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Dual Degree Program Option: Bachelor of Arts, UBC and Sciences Po

This program option offers qualified undergraduate students the opportunity to complete an intensive transatlantic dual degree program and, in one course of study, earn both a Bachelor of Arts degree from UBC and a Bachelor of Arts degree from L’Institut d’études politiques de Paris (Sciences Po). The program will be of particular interest to direct-entry students who wish to examine the social sciences and humanities from a cross-cultural academic perspective.

Students in the Dual Degree Program Option complete their first two years of study in France at one of the Sciences Po regional campuses, and their third and fourth years of study at the Point Grey (Vancouver) campus of UBC. At the conclusion of their studies students will earn both a Sciences Po Bachelor of Arts and a UBC Bachelor of Arts.


The Dual Degree Program Option is open to applicants satisfying the direct-entry eligibility criteria for undergraduate studies at UBC’s Faculty of Arts, Bachelor of Arts program. It is not open to applicants transferring from another post-secondary institution or from within UBC, including those already studying in the Faculty of Arts, or to those with a previous university degree.

Individuals interested in pursuing this program option must apply for admission to both UBC and the Dual Degree Program by the start of January. Please see the UBC Future Student Portal to apply to UBC. Please see the Sciences Po and UBC Dual Degree Programs website for specific Dual Degree deadlines and to access the mandatory Dual Degree supplemental application.

Acceptance into the Program Option will be determined by a Sciences Po-UBC Dual Degree Program Option Admissions Committee. An interview may be required. Fluency in French is not required to complete the Dual Degree, except for those students who choose to pursue Sciences Po’s Europe-Africa program. The language of instruction for all other Sciences Po programs, including Europe-Asia, Europe-North America, and Europe-Middle-East and Mediterranean, is English.

Successful students are simultaneously admitted to the UBC Bachelor of Arts Dual B.A. program option and the Sciences Po Bachelor of Arts Dual B.A. program option.

Applicants who are unsuccessful in their admission to the Dual Degree Program Option will automatically be considered for admission to the UBC Bachelor of Arts Degree Program. No separate request or application is required. For consideration to the Sciences Po B.A. Program (and not UBC), please contact Sciences Po directly.

Degree Requirements

In order to receive both degrees, students must fulfill the individual program requirements for each institution’s specific degree program. Each institution manages its own degree requirements. For the UBC B.A., see Degree Requirements for students who entered the program in 2023/24 or earlier or Degree Requirements for students who entered the program in 2024/25 or later.

At Sciences Po, students must validate the equivalent of 71 UBC credits, including all necessary Foundational Courses and courses required to satisfy specialization requirements, in their first two years of study. At UBC, students must complete 72 credits of coursework, including 12 credits earned in Dual Degree seminars. All seminars take place at UBC after students have completed Years 1 and 2 at Sciences Po and may include courses offered only in Summer Session. The remaining 60 credits, including any courses necessary to satisfy UBC BA degree requirements as well as requirements for selected specializations, are approved by Arts Academic Advising.

See the Program website for more information.


Students in the Dual Degree Program Option are registered at both Sciences Po and UBC simultaneously, and must ensure they fulfill the registration and tuition requirements of both institutions throughout their degrees. Information about registration and tuition requirements for each year of the Dual Degree is available on the Program website.

Students must also meet each institution’s continuation requirements. However, only those credits administered by the specific institution will apply towards that institution’s continuation policies. For UBC B.A. continuation requirements, see Academic Recognition, Promotion, and Continuation.


Students in the Dual Degree Program Option will not be adjudicated for graduation for one degree before requirements for both are complete. Graduates will receive two parchments:

  1. UBC, Bachelor of Arts; and,
  2. Sciences Po, Bachelor of Arts

For further information about the design of the Dual Degree Program, and to access the application, please see the Program website.

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