You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


Students planning to major in Voice must successfully audition before the Vocal division just prior to the beginning of classes, singing music of their own choice.

  • First Year. Tone production and diction are stressed. Song-literature from the early Italian period and from oratorio is usually emphasized. During the first year the student will be carefully evaluated in regard to voice, musicianship, and physical stamina for the purpose of determining whether he or she has the combination of talents needed for successful performance.
  • Second Year. Technical and interpretative studies are continued. The repertory will be expanded as the student's technical facility develops. As the use of foreign language is increased, French and German songs will comprise a larger share of the literature to be studied.
  • Third Year. Considerable vocal agility, volume, range, and pleasing tone quality should be achieved in the third year. Frequent group recitals will be encouraged. Operatic and oratorio arias are a necessary part of the repertoire as well as wide-ranging choices in several languages. Ability to perform contemporary English, Canadian, and American songs will be expected. A third-year recital is required.
  • Fourth Year. The fourth year should be devoted to the interpretative aspects of singing, supported by a growing technical command. It will be assumed that the student can satisfactorily perform any of the standard repertory for his or her vocal classification. A fourth-year recital is required.


Program requirements for the Bachelor of Music in Voice include:
Core B.Mus. Requirements in Music History, Musicianship, Music Theory, and Music Technology (34 credits)
For specific requirements, see Bachelor of Music, Degree Requirements.
Music Performance (28 credits)
MUSC_V 1936
MUSC_V 2936
MUSC_V 3948
MUSC_V 4948
Secondary Performance (4 credits) 
MUSC_V 141 or 171A2
MUSC_V 241 or 271A2
Secondary-level lessons in piano, if needed; see Minimum Requirements in Piano.
Ensembles (14-18 credits) 
MUSC_V 153 or 1543-4
MUSC_V 153 or 1543-4
MUSC_V 453 or 3663-4
MUSC_V 453 or 3663-4
Small ensemble2
Additional Requirements (28 credits) 
MUSC_V 1702
MUSC_V 3652
MUSC_V 4424
MUSC_V 4652
Language requirement: 6 credits each of Italian, French, and German. With approval of the voice division coordinator, students may concentrate on one or two of these languages, or may substitute other languages.
Music electives 
Music electives6
MUSC_V 311, 313, and 441 are highly recommended.
Other Course Requirements 
Writing Requirement (WRDS_V 150 or ENGL_V 100)3
Literature Requirement3
Non-Music Elective3

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