You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


Dean's Office
R. Kozak, Dean
S. Gergel, Associate Dean, Academic
S. Hinch, Associate Dean, Students
S. Hagerman, Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
T. Sowlati, Associate Dean, Research and Innovation
G. Wang, Associate Dean, Asian Strategies
H. Zerriffi, Associate Dean, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
2005-2424 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Telephone: 604.822.2727
Fax: 604.822.8645
Forestry Website

The Faculty of Forestry offers four-year degree programs leading to the Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources with majors in Forest Management, Forest Operations, Bioeconomy Sciences and Technology, Forest Sciences, Natural Resources Conservation, and Wood Products; Bachelor of Indigenous Land Stewardship; Bachelor of Science in Forestry with Forest Resources Management and Forest Operations Majors;, Bachelor of Science in Natural Resources Conservation with Science and Management and Global Perspectives Majors; Bachelor of Science in Wood Products Processing; Bachelor of Urban Forestry; Bachelor of Science in Forest Bioeconomy Sciences and Technology; and the Bachelor of Science in Forest Sciences. The Faculty offers elective Co-operative Education Programs to students in these programs. An international specialization option is available in the Forest Resources Management and Forest Sciences programs. The Faculty offers an online Graduate Certificate in Forest Management and Conservation. The Faculty's graduate degrees include the Master of Forestry, Master of Science, Master of Applied Science, and Doctor of Philosophy (see graduate Degree Programs).

The Faculty is favourably situated for educating students as conservation scientists and biologists, natural resource planners and managers, wood product specialists, foresters, forest scientists and biologists, and forest business administrators. It enjoys the benefits of a large university with good libraries and other facilities for study. The Faculty is based in a state-of-the-art 15,000 square metre building. In addition to the lecture and laboratory classrooms, the Faculty supports three research forests in the southcoast, north and central interior regions, totalling almost 25,000 hectares. Formal field classes, special studies, and professional exercises are conducted by students at all of these forests. The Faculty also supports the Centre for Applied Conservation Research, a specialized research centre. The Forest Engineering Research Institute of Canada and the Western Laboratory of FPInnovations - Forintek are on-campus facilities which cooperate in teaching and research in engineering and forest products. The Centre for Advanced Wood Processing, located adjacent to the Forest Sciences Centre, provides a direct link between the wood processing industry and the University.

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