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General Science

Admission to General Science is limited. Students interested in a broad Science program should consider other specializations, including Combined Major in Science.

General Science recognizes five designated subject areas of the Faculty of Science:

  1. Chemistry (CHEM 0081)
  2. Earth Science (ERSC 0225) ATSC_V, GEOS_V except for GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407, EOSC_V except for EOSC_V 310, 311, 312, 314, 315, 470, 471, 474, 475, 478
  3. Life Science (LFSC 0440) BIOC_V, BIOL_V, CAPS_V, GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407, MRNE_V, MEDG_V, MICB_V, PCTH_V, PSYC_V 348, 448 and PSYC_V courses numbered 60 to 89 in the last two digits and EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478
  4. Mathematical Science (MASC 0029) CPSC_V, MATH_V except for MATH_V 335, STAT_V except STAT_V 203
  5. Physics and Astronomy (PHYS 0271) PHYS_V, ASTR_V except for ASTR_V 310, 311, PHYS_V 340, 341, 343

For first-year requirements for entry into the General Science program, see Lower-Level Requirements under Bachelor of Science, Degree Requirements. Students must register in the courses that are prerequisite to the courses of their proposed areas of concentration.

While there are no specified second-year courses, sufficient first- and second-year science courses must be completed to meet the requirements for promotion to third year (see Promotion Requirements).

All degree requirements must be fulfilled in accordance with Faculty of Science requirements. Students may, with the approval of the Science Advising, undertake an optional Minor program in Arts, Commerce, Kinesiology, or Land and Food Systems in conjunction with General Science. Co-operative education (co-op) is another option. See Co-op and Minor Options. General Science students are not eligible to pursue other types of specializations.

To satisfy the requirement of at least 30 credits of Science courses numbered 300 and above, the student may select one of two routes within General Science:

  • Route A. At least 18 credits numbered 300 or higher must be selected from one of the five subject areas specified above and 12 credits numbered 300 or higher from another of these five areas. Students in Route A will register in both areas of specialization.
  • Route B. At least 18 credits must be selected from courses numbered 300 or higher in one of the five subject areas listed above, plus at least 6 credits in courses selected from each of two other subject areas for a total of 30 credits in three subject areas. Students in Route B will register in the 18-credit major area of specialization only.

Courses selected must be acceptable for major or honours options in the specific areas of concentration. At most 3 credits of directed studies may be included in the minimum 30 upper-level science credits under either Route A or Route B, above, and at most a total of 6 credits of directed studies courses may be counted toward a General Science degree.

Students who successfully complete the B.Sc. in General Science Route A will have recorded on their transcript the area or areas of concentration.


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