You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Library, Archival, and Information Studies


Degree Offered: Ph.D.


Professor Emeriti

L. Duranti, J. Saltman.


F. Kwakkel, V. Lemieux, H. O'Brien.

Associate Professors

M. Abdul-Mageed, J. Douglas, E. Meyers, L. Nathan, L. Sinnamon.

Assistant Professors

J. Bullard, E. Shaffer, H. Turner.

Program Overview

The School of Information, offers a program leading to the Doctor of Philosophy. The Ph.D. program is designed to provide advanced research training for outstanding students who have already obtained a Master of Archival Studies (M.A.S.) or a Master of Library and Information Studies (M.L.I.S.).

Upon entering the doctoral program, a student will be assigned an advisor who will work with the student to develop an appropriate set of courses relevant to the student's research plan.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Admission to the doctoral program requires an M.A.S., an M.L.I.S., or equivalent from a recognized institution indicating a superior level of academic performance in a field of specialization that will support the applicant's Ph.D. research. Students must satisfy the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies, and be approved by the School's Doctoral Admissions Committee. Admission decisions are based on the degree to which the applicant's intended area of research matches faculty expertise, and the suitability of the applicant for advanced graduate work as attested by three letters of reference, prior academic performance, record of publications, and work in the field of library, archival, and information studies.

Program Requirements

For program requirements information see Ph.D. Program Requirements in the School of Information section of the Calendar.

Contact Information

School of Information
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
#470-1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604.822.2404
Fax: 604.822.6006

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