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Cognitive Systems

The Cognitive Systems (COGS) Specialization provides B.Sc. and B.A. degrees in Cognitive Systems via interdisciplinary studies of computing systems, linguistic communication, perception and cognition, from the perspective of one of the following streams:

  • Cognition and Brain (B.A. or B.Sc. supervised by Psychology)
  • Language and Communication (B.A. supervised by Linguistics)
  • Computational Intelligence and Design (B.Sc. supervised by Computer Science)
  • Mind, Language, and Computation (B.A. supervised by Philosophy)

The specialization equips students with the background competence needed to pursue further studies and careers in cognitive systems and related disciplines.

Students registered in the Faculty of Science can enrol in either the Cognition and Brain stream or the Computational Intelligence and Design stream. Faculty of Arts students can enrol in either the Cognition and Brain stream or the Language and Communication stream, or the Mind, Language, and Computation stream.

All students in the specialization must take five team-taught core courses (COGS_V 200, 300, 303, 401, and 402), as well as background courses in computer science, linguistics, philosophy, and psychology.

For specific specialization stream and admission information about the B.Sc. degrees in Cognitive Systems, see Neuroscience and Computer Science. For specific specialization stream and admission information about the B.A. degrees in Cognitive Systems, see Linguistics, Philosophy, and Psychology.

For current information about Cognitive Systems people, institutions, and events, see the Cognitive Systems website.

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