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General Studies: Secondary Education Stream

This curriculum is a preparation for studies in education leading to certification as a music teacher in BC secondary schools. Successful completion of the program, or a program with comparable requirements, is a prerequisite for admission into the B.Ed. (Secondary) program in the Faculty of Education, with music as the major teaching field.

General Studies: Secondary Education Stream 
Program requirements for the Bachelor of Music in General Studies: Secondary Education Stream include:
Core B.Mus. Requirements in Music History, Musicianship, Music Theory, and Music Technology (34 credits)
For specific requirements, see Bachelor of Music, Degree Requirements.
Music Performance (16 credits) 
MUSC_V 1824
MUSC_V 2824
MUSC_V 3824
MUSC_V 4824
The concentration instrument is usually the one on which the student is most competent, and on which the student auditioned to enter the School.
Secondary Performance (6 credits) 
MUSC_V 1412
MUSC_V 2412
MUSC_V 1312
Class Piano (MUSC_V 141 and 241) is waived in the case of students who meet the Minimum Requirements in Piano. Class Voice (MUSC_V 131) is waived in the case of students who have completed voice training equivalent to the level of MUSC_V 131. When these secondary performance requirements are waived, students may in some cases replace them with one or more years of private lessons on a secondary instrument (MUSC_V 171, 271, 371), on the recommendation of the relevant division chairs and with the permission of the Director of the School of Music.
Ensembles (14-18 credits) 
Large ensemble3-4
Large ensemble3-4
Large ensemble3-4
Large ensemble3-4
Small ensemble2
Students take four 3- or 4-credit large ensembles, one in each year they take private lessons. The large ensembles chosen are normally those most appropriate to the student's concentration instrument, although substitutions may be allowed by the ensemble directors.
Music Electives 
Music electives5
For non-voice concentrators, at least 2 credits of choral ensemble are required. This requirement may be satisfied by taking either a large choral ensemble (MUSC_V 153 or 154) or a small choral ensemble (MUSC_V 156) for one year. At least 3 credits of music electives must be in one of the following subjects, at the 300 level or higher: Music History, Music Technology, Music Theory, or World Music.
Additional Music Requirements (14 credits) 
MUSC_V 1122
MUSC_V 1222
MUSC_V 3092
MUSC_V 3102
MUSC_V 3112
MUSC_V 3122
MUSC_V 3132
Music Education Requirements (11 credits) 
EDCP_V 2103
EDCP_V 3124
EDCP_V 3134
Other Course Requirements (21 credits) 
Writing Requirement (WRDS_V 150 or ENGL_V 100)3
Literature Requirement3
Non-music electives15
At least 6 credits of the non-music electives must be at the 200 level or higher.
Minimum total credits for the degree:121

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