Regular attendance is expected of all students in accordance with the University's Attendance Policy. Any student who misses 25% or more of a practicum will be required to repeat the practicum in its entirety. Any student who misses 25% or more of the Integration Activity sessions in a course will be required to repeat that course.
Students who, because of illness or other personal issues, are absent from an assessment or other mandatory activity must request Academic Concession from the Faculty’s Office of Student Services. Requests may require supporting medical or other appropriate documentation.
In the Winter Session, the total for all courses taken may not exceed 45 credits, except with approval of the Dean. The maximum time allowed for the completion of the program is eight (8) years from admission to the program.
The passing mark for a course in the Entry-to-Practice Pharm.D. program is 60%.
Assessments, including but not limited to term essays and examination papers, may be refused a passing mark if they are noticeably deficient in the quality of written English, including the correct use of grammar, spelling, and punctuation.
Although satisfactory academic performance is a prerequisite to advancement, it is not the sole criterion in the consideration of the suitability of a student for promotion or graduation. The Faculty reserves the right to delay a student's participation in practicum courses or to require a student to withdraw from the Faculty if that student is considered to be unsuited to proceed with the study or practice of pharmacy.
Dean's Honour List
Students promoted to second, third, or fourth year with a standing of 80% or better in the previous Winter Session will receive the notation "Dean's Honour List" on their records. A program of at least 85% of a full course load for the year must have been carried in order to receive this designation.
Supplemental Examinations
Supplemental examinations or other suitable assessment opportunities are possible in all non-practicum courses and in mandatory pass components within modular courses but will not be granted in all cases. Supplemental assessments are a privilege, not a right. The format of a supplemental assessment may vary depending on content and intended learning outcomes. The supplemental assessment will normally be a comprehensive assessment of the work of the full module or course.
- A student's eligibility for supplemental assessments will be determined by the Faculty's Student Progress Committee, which communicates and implements Faculty policy regarding supplemental assessments (see Program Information Hub on Canvas). Supplemental assessments will not normally be granted when the student:
- has failed the laboratory or Integration Activities component of a course;
- has failed 50% or more of the modules in a modular course;
- has failed both modules of PHRM_V 211; or
- has achieved a final grade of less than 50% in the failed course, module, or course component.
- Students will be notified of their eligibility for supplemental assessments.
- If a student fails a supplemental assessment, the course concerned must be repeated or a suitable substitute taken.
- In the case of a final year student, a second supplemental assessment for non-practicum courses may be provided if unsuccessful in a first supplemental assessment.
- Where a supplemental assessment is successfully completed, the new grade in the module or course will be 60%.
The above policy applies only to modules and courses administered by the Faculty. Faculties and departments responsible for other required or elective courses in the Entry-to-Practice Pharm.D. program may have different policies on supplemental examinations.
Academic Standing and Promotion Requirements
Academic Standing will be determined at the end of each term of the Winter Session and at the end of the Summer Session. Elective courses are not taken into consideration in determining Academic Standing. One of three Academic Standings is assigned: In Good Standing, On Academic Probation, or Failed, Required to Withdraw. All students are in Good Standing when first admitted to the Faculty.
A student who fails a required course must repeat the course, and will be placed on Academic Probation. The failed course must be successfully completed before the student may take any required course or any course for which it is a prerequisite for the subsequent winter term.
Students who do not meet passing expectations for a second time, having previously been on Academic Probation in any year of their program, will be assigned a Failed standing and will be required to discontinue their studies in the program.
Returning to Good Standing from Academic Probation
Students who are on Academic Probation must pass all courses in an approved schedule of courses during their next registered session in order to return to Good Standing. Students must meet with an advisor in the Office of Student Services to establish an appropriate schedule of courses.
Readmission after Being Required to Discontinue
Students who were required to discontinue and who wish to return to the program must sit out for a minimum of 12 months following the requirement to discontinue, and must apply for readmission. They must also submit an appeal letter, which should include a thoughtful analysis of the reasons for their academic struggles, documentation of action taken to rectify issues that interfered with academic progress, and a viable academic success plan. Students are encouraged to meet with an advisor in the Faculty’s Office of Student Services.
Applications for readmission will be adjudicated by the Entry-to-Practice PharmD’s Student Progress Committee. In considering the appeal, the Committee will take into account any and all evidence of a student's ability to perform at a satisfactorily level in the program.
A student has the right to appeal a decision of the program to the Dean’s Advisory Committee on Student Appeals (see Program Information Hub on Canvas).
For information on Senate Appeals on Academic Standing please refer to Appeal Procedure.