B.Sc. Specialization-Specific Courses Required for Sufficient Progress

In some specializations, a student is required to complete particular courses within 78 or 108 attempted credits. Students who fail to complete these courses within the given number of attempted credits will be required to withdraw from the Faculty. The table below provides the details. For the complete list of expectations, consult the Calendar section on Promotion Requirements and Degree Progression.

ProgramSpecific Courses Required by 78 Attempted CreditsSpecific Upper-Level Courses Required by 108 Attempted Credits
Major (0030): Astronomy
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Major (0167): Atmospheric Science
 One of ATSC_V 201, GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 200No specific courses.
Honours (0429): Atmospheric Science
 ATSC_V 201No specific courses.
Combined Honours (1372): Atmospheric Science and Computer Science
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Major (3502): Behavioural Neuroscience
 No specific coursesNo specific courses.
Honours (3503): Behavioural Neuroscience
 No specific coursesNo specific courses.
Major Cognitive Systems (1225): Cognition and Brain
 COGS_V 200No specific courses
Major (0244): Biochemistry
 BIOL_V 200, BIOC_V 203, CHEM_V 203, CHEM_V 213, CHEM_V 245BIOC_V 301, BIOC_V 303, BIOC_V 304
Combined Major (3382): Biochemistry and Chemistry
 BIOL_V 200, BIOC_V 203, CHEM_V 203, CHEM_V 213, CHEM_V 245BIOC_V 301, BIOC_V 303, BIOC_V 304
Honours (0186): Biochemistry
 BIOL_V 200, BIOC_V 203, CHEM_V 203, CHEM_V 213, CHEM_V 245BIOC_V 301, BIOC_V 303, BIOC_V 304
Combined Honours (0565): Biochemistry and Chemistry
 BIOL_V 200, BIOC_V 203, CHEM_V 203, CHEM_V 211, CHEM_V 213, CHEM_V 245BIOC_V 301, BIOC_V 303, BIOC_V 304, CHEM_V 313 or CHEM_V 330
Honours (0054): Animal Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 204, BIOL_V 205BIOL_V 300
Major (3095): Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 203, BIOL_V 204, BIOL_V 205, BIOL_V 209, BIOL_V 210, MICB_V 201BIOL_V 300
Honours (3195): Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 203, BIOL_V 204, BIOL_V 205, BIOL_V 209, BIOL_V 210, MICB_V 201BIOL_V 300
Honours (0405): Cell and Developmental Biology
 BIOL_V 200, CHEM_V 233 and two of BIOL_V 201, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 203, BIOL_V 204, BIOL_V 205, BIOL_V 209, BIOL_V 210, MICB_V 201BIOL_V 300
Combined Major (1370): Computer Science and Biology
 BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, CHEM_V 233BIOL_V 300
Honours (0583): Conservation Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 204, BIOL_V 205, BIOL_V 209, BIOL_V 210, BIOL_V 320, BIOL_V 321, BIOL_V 324BIOL_V 300
Honours (0045): Ecology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 204, BIOL_V 205, BIOL_V 209, BIOL_V 210, MICB_V 201BIOL_V 300
Honours (0983): Evolutionary Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 203, BIOL_V 204, BIOL_V 205, BIOL_V 209, BIOL_V 210, MICB_V 201BIOL_V 300
Honours (0518): Marine Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 205, BIOL_V 209BIOL_V 300
Honours (0372): Plant Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260, and one of BIOL_V 209, BIOL_V 210BIOL_V 300
Combined Honours (1460): Computer Science and Biology
 BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, CHEM_V 233No specific courses.
Major (3992): Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences
 BIOL_V 200. Either BIOL_V 201 or BIOL_V 202, CAPS_V 205, 206. Either CHEM_V 233 and 235 (or CHEM_V 203, CHEM_V 205)BIOC_V 302, CAPS_V 303, 305, 306, 310, 391
Honours (3221): Cellular, Anatomical and Physiological Sciences
 BIOL_V 200. Either BIOL_V 201 or BIOL_V 202, CAPS_V 205, 206. Either CHEM_V 233 and 235 (or CHEM_V 203, CHEM_V 205)BIOC_V 302, CAPS_V 303, 305, 306, 310, 391
Major (0409): Chemistry
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Honours (0213): Chemistry
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Major (3340): Chemical Biology
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (3132): Chemical Biology
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (0206): Chemistry and Mathematics
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226No specific courses.
Combined Major (3096): Science
 For the Computer Science Option: CPSC_V 121, CPSC_V 210. For all other packages and options, no specific coursesSTAT_V 200 and SCIE_V 300. For the Computer Science Option: CPSC_V 221
Major (0376): Computer Science
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Honours (0154): Computer Science
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Major (3401): Computer Science and Chemistry (CPSC, CHEM)
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Major (1391): Computer Science and Physics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Major (1375): Computer Science and Statistics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (0021): Computer Science and Mathematics
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226No specific courses.
Combined Honours (0138): Computer Science and Physics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (1376): Computer Science and Statistics
 STAT_V 200No specific courses.
Major (1200): Computer Science and Software Engineering
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Honours (1201): Computer Science and Software Engineering
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Major Cognitive Systems (1226): Computational Intelligence and Design
 COGS_V 200No specific courses.
Major (1223): Earth and Ocean Sciences
 6 credits of ATSC_V, ENVR_V, or EOSC_V numbered 200 or above12 credits of ATSC_V, ENVR_V, or EOSC_V numbered 300 or above
Major (1263): Environmental Sciences
 ENVR_V 200ENVR_V 300
Honours (0589): Environmental Sciences
 ENVR_V 200ENVR_V 300
General Science (CHEM 0081 or ERSC 0225 or LFSC 0440 or MASC 0029 or PHYS 0271)
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Major (3428): Geographical Sciences
 Two of GEOB_V 200 (or GEOB_V 204), GEOB_V 206 (or EOSC_V 222), GEOB_V 207 (or BIOL_V 230) 
Major (3193): Geology
 Three of (EOSC_V 220, EOSC_V 221, EOSC_V 222, EOSC_V 223)No specific courses.
Honours (0462): Geological Sciences
 Three of (EOSC_V 220, EOSC_V 221, EOSC_V 222, EOSC_V 223)No specific courses.
Major (0001): Geophysics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Honours (0380): Geophysics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Major (0456): Mathematics
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226No specific courses.
Major (0185): Mathematical Sciences
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226No specific courses.
Major (1135): Mathematics and Economics
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226No specific courses.
Combined Major (1429): Computer Science and Mathematics
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226No specific courses.
Honours (0166): Mathematics
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226No specific courses.
Major (1153): Microbiology and Immunology
 BIOL_V 200, MICB_V 211 (or 201), MICB_V 212 (or 202)MICB_V 302, MICB_V 322, MICB_V 301
Honours (1154): Microbiology and Immunology
 BIOL_V 200, MICB_V 211 (or 201), MICB_V 212 (or 202)MICB_V 302, MICB_V 322, MICB_V 301
Combined Major (1371): Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology
 BIOL_V 200, MICB_V 211 (or 201), MICB_V 212 (or 202)MICB_V 301 or MICB_V 302
Combined Honours (1373): Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology
 BIOL_V 200, MICB_V 211 (or 201), MICB_V 212 (or 202)MICB_V 301 or MICB_V 302
Combined Major (3144): Microbiology and Oceanography
 BIOL_V 200, MICB_V 211 (or 201), MICB_V 212 (or 202)MICB_V 301, MICB_V 322, EOSC_V 372
Major (3742): Neuroscience
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Major (3125): Oceanography and Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260No specific courses.
Combined Major (3383): Oceanography and Chemistry
 No specific coursesNo specific courses
Combined Major (3126): Oceanography and Physics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Honours (0577): Fisheries Oceanography
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (0535): Oceanography and Biology
 CHEM_V 233 and three of BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 230, BIOL_V 233 or BIOL_V 234, BIOL_V 260No specific courses.
Major (0311): Pharmacology
 BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 201, one CHEM_V 205 or CHEM_V 211, CHEM_V 233, CHEM_V 235, one of MICB_V 211 or MICB_V 212, one of BIOL_V 300 or STAT_V 200, PCTH_V 201BIOC_V 301, one of PCTH_V 300 or PCTH_V 303, PCTH_V 302 
Honours (0019): Pharmacology
 BIOL_V 200, BIOL_V 201, one of CHEM_V 205 or CHEM_V 211, CHEM_V 233, CHEM_V 235, one of MICB_V 211 or MICB_V 212, one of BIOL_V 300 or STAT_V 200, PCTH_V 201BIOC_V 301, one of BIOC_V 302 or 303, one of PCTH_V 300 or PCTH_V 303, PCTH_V 302
Major (0524): Physics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Honours (0344): Physics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Honours (1093): Biophysics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (3676 ): Biophysics  
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (0009): Physics and Astronomy
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (0517): Chemical Physics
 No specific courses.No specific courses.
Combined Honours (0014): Physics and Mathematics
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226No specific courses.
Major (0495): Psychology
 No specific courses.PSYC_V 366
Honours (0139): Psychology
 No specific courses.PSYC_V 366
Major Cognitive Systems (1225): Cognition and Brain
 COGS_V 200No specific courses.
Major (0562): Statistics
 STAT_V 200, MATH_V 220, either CPSC_V 210 or MATH_V 210STAT_V 305, STAT_V 306
Combined Major (1330): Statistics and Economics
 ECON_V 325 or STAT_V 200STAT_V 305, one of ECON_V 326, 398, one of STAT_V 301, 306, and one of ECON_V 301, 302, 304, or 305
Honours (0051): Statistics
 STAT_V 200, STAT_V 201, either CPSC_V 210 or MATH_V 210STAT_V 305, STAT_V 306
Combined Honours (0550): Mathematics and Statistics
 MATH_V 220 or 68% or higher in MATH_V 226, and STAT_V 200STAT_V 305, STAT_V 306

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