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Department of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies

A. Salamon, Head


D. Boccassini, Dott.Lett., Dott.di Ricerca (Milan), Italian
M. S. Fernández Utrera, B.A. (Madrid Comp.), M.A., Ph.D. (S.Calif.), Spanish
F. Laroussi, Diplôme études internationales, Masters, D.E.A., (Toulouse), Ph.D. (Virginia), Ph.D. (Toulouse), French
C. Testa, Laurea (Milan), Ph.D. (Calif., Berkeley), Italian

Professor Emeritus

H. Curat, L. ès L., M. ès L. (Strasbourg), Ph.D. (Laval), French
R. G. Hodgson, B.A. (Vic.(Br.Col.)), M.A., Ph.D. (Tor.), French
A. Lamontagne, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Laval), French
G. N. Onyeoziri, B.A. (Jos), M.A., Ph.D. (Tor.), French
R. Sarkonak, B.A. (Vic.(Br.Col.)), M.A., Ph.D. (Tor.), French

Associate Professor

R. Álvarez Moreno, B.A., M.A. (Madrid Comp.), Ph.D. (Mich.State), Spanish
J. Beasley-Murray, B.A. (Camb.), M.A. (Wisc., Milwaukee), Ph.D. (Duke), Spanish
K. Beauchesne, B.A., M.A. (Ott.), Ph.D. (Harv.), Spanish 
A. Casas Aguilar, B.A., D.E.A. (Barcelona), M.A., Ph.D. (Tor.), Spanish
J. Castonguay-Bélanger, B.A. (Laval), M.A. (McG.), Ph.D. (Sorbonne), French
N. M. Frelick, B.A. (Vic.(Br.Col.)), M.A. (Alta.), Ph.D. (Ill.), French
V. Gélinas-Lemaire, B.Sc., M.A. (Montreal), M.A., Ph.D. (Harv.), French
P. Moran, L. ès L. (Sorbonne), M. ès L. (Sorbonne Nouvelle), Agrégation de Lettres modernes (Norm., Paris), Master II de Lettres modernes, Ph.D. (Sorbonne), French
K. N. Piechocki, Mag.phil., Dr.phil. (Vienna), M.A., Ph.D. (N.Y.), French
A. Salamon, Norm. Paris, L. ès L., M. ès L., Agrégation de grammaire, Master II, Ph.D. (Sorbonne), French
G. Zhang, B.A. (Beijing FSU), M.A., Ph.D. (N.Y.), Italian
A. Ziethen, B.A., M.A. (Greifswald), Ph.D. (Tor.), French

Associate Professor Emeritus

S. N. Godfrey, B.A., M.A. (Tor.), Ph.D. (Cornell), French
C. Rouget, L. ès L., M. ès L., Doc. (N.R.) (Provence), French

Assistant Professor

I. Ayan, B.A. (Hacettepe), M.A. (Marie Haps), Ph.D. (N.Y. State [Bing.]), French
M.-E. Bouchard, B.A., M.A. (Laval), M.A., Ph.D. (N.Y.), French
I. Huberman, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Tor.), French
E. Lagresa-González, B.A. (Calif., L.A.), I.M.B.A. (Carlos III), M.A. (Calif., S.B.), Ph.D. (Harv.), Spanish
T. L. Mitchell, B.A. (Washburn), M.A. (Kansas), Ph.D. (Indiana), Spanish
R. A. Victoriano-Martínez, Lic. en Derecho (St.Domingo), M.A., Ph.D. (Tor.), Spanish

Assistant Professor Emeritus

A.-M. Rocheleau, B.A., B.Th., M.A., M.Th., M.S.W., Ph.D. (Laval), French
W. G. Winder, B.Sc. (N.Carolina), L. ès L. (Montpellier), M. ès L. (Perpignan), D.E.A. (École des Hautes Études), Ph.D. (Tor.), French

Associate Professor of Teaching

L. Canuto, Laurea (Ca’ Foscari), M. Pub. (Simon Fraser), M.Ed., Ph.D. (Ca’ Foscari), Italian
B. E. Orr-Álvarez, B.A., M.A., Ph.D. (Mich.State), Spanish

Senior Instructor Emeritus

E. Manchón, B.A., M.A. (Br.Col.), Spanish

Assistant Professor of Teaching

I. Delage-Béland, B.A., M.A. (McG.), Ph.D. (Montreal), French
C. Lebrec, L. ès L., M. ès L., D.E.A. (Sorbonne Nouvelle), Ph.D. (Tor.), French 


M. Blanc, B.A. (Vauban), Maîtrise (Montpellier III), M.A. (Vic.(Br.Col.)), Ph.D. (Br.Col.), French
M. Carbonetti, Lic. en Letras (del Sur), Ph.D. (Br.Col.), Spanish
M. A. Escobar Trujillo, B.A. (Pont. Bolivarian), B.A. (Iceland), M.A. (Butler), Ph.D. (McG.), Spanish
I. Escuer Riera, B.A. (Andrés Bello), M.A. (Br.Col.), Spanish
S. Milet, Lic. en Littérature Comparée, Master en Français Langue Seconde (Nantes), French
J. O'Brien, B.A., M.A. (Camb.), B.A. (Manc.), M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton), French
C. Ollivier-Budisa, DEUG, Lic., D.E.A. (Blaise Pascal), M. ès L. (Blaise Pascal, Surrey), French
M. A. Schaumloeffel, B.A. (Unisinos), M.A. (Fed.U, Parana), Ph.D. (W.Indies), Portuguese 
S. Spacciante, B.A. (Ctr.Wash.), M.A. (Wash.State), Spanish

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