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A five-year specialist training program in anesthesia, recognized and fully accredited by the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (RCPSC). The Residency Program also administers a 12-month curriculum in Family Practice Anesthesia (FPA).

Training occurs at hospital sites in Vancouver and throughout British Columbia. The goal is to achieve a balance of general training, subspecialty training, tertiary care, and community care experiences. There are high expectations of residents but positive support is provided so that residents may achieve their full potential.

The goal of the program is to graduate excellent, well-rounded physicians who possess the specialized knowledge and skills required in modern anesthetic practice, including perioperative care, acute and chronic pain management, critical care, and subspecialty anesthesia. 

Teaching takes place primarily in the operating room where residents work one-on-one with faculty anesthesiologists. Additional learning opportunities include off-service rotations, academic day sessions, the Visiting Professor Program, simulator sessions, Journal Club, events sponsored by the Post-Graduate Medical Education (PGME) Office, various courses (for example ATLS, ACLS, PALS, and NRP), libraries, research days, formal rounds, conferences and formative oral and written examinations. Residents are encouraged to develop lifelong learning habits during the five-year program.

Further information about the Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology and Therapeutics Anesthesia Residency Program is available on the department website.

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