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The Department of Sociology offers programs of study that lead to the Doctor of Philosophy, Master of Arts, and Bachelor of Arts.

The Department also collaborates with Anthropology; Canadian Studies; Critical Studies in Sexuality; Ethnic and Intercultural Studies; Family Studies; Health and Society; International Relations; Modern European Studies; Science Studies; Urban Studies; and Women's and Gender Studies. For details on current offerings, consult Workday.

For information on advanced degrees, see graduate Sociology.

Pre-requisites for Undergraduate Courses

3 credits of 100-level SOCI_V courses is the prerequisite for most 300- and 400-level SOCI_V courses.

Major in Sociology

The program requires that students complete:

Lower-level Requirements

12 credits of 100-and 200-level SOCI_V, including:

  • At least 3 credits from SOCI_V 100, 101, or 102
  • SOCI_V 217 Research Methods

Upper-level Requirements

  • 3 credits of SOCI_V 310 Canadian Society
  • 3 credits of SOCI_V 328 Social Statistics I
  • 3 credits of classical sociological theory (from SOCI_V 370* or SOCI_V 371)
  • 3 credits of contemporary sociological theory (from SOCI_V 370*, SOCI_V 372, SOCI_V 414, SOCI_V 415, SOCI_V 416 or SOCI_V 469)
  • 3 credits of advanced research methods (from SOCI_V 380, SOCI_V 381, SOCI_V 382 or SOCI_V 383)
  • 15 additional credits of 300- and/or 400-level SOCI_V courses

*SOCI_V 370 is a 6-credit course that covers both classical sociological theory and contemporary sociological theory.

Honours in Sociology

Outstanding students registered in the third year of the Sociology Major program may apply for admission to the Honours program for their fourth year. An average of 68% or better in all 100-level and 200-level courses, an average of 75% or better in all 100-level and 200-level Sociology courses, an average of 75% or better in all 300- and 400-level courses and an average of 80% or better in all 300- and 400-level Sociology courses are required for admission to the Honours program.

Students are encouraged to arrange for an Honours thesis supervisor and formally apply by the end of the third year or during the summer preceding the fourth year. Admission and registration normally occurs at the beginning of the fourth year. Interested students should consult the Sociology Honours Advisor or the departmental undergraduate studies secretary.

The program requires that students complete:

Lower-level Requirements

12 credits of 100- and 200-level SOCI_V, including:

  • At least 3 credits from SOCI_V 100, 101, or 102
  • SOCI_V 217 Research Methods

Upper-level Requirements

  • 3 credits of SOCI_V 310 Canadian Society
  • 3 credits of SOCI_V 328 Social Statistics I
  • 3 credits of classical sociological theory (from SOCI_V 370* or SOCI_V 371)
  • 3 credits of contemporary sociological theory (from SOCI_V 370*, SOCI_V 372, SOCI_V 414, SOCI_V 415, SOCI_V 416 or SOCI_V 469)
  • 3 credits of advanced research methods (from SOCI_V 380, SOCI_V 381, SOCI_V 382 or SOCI_V 383)
  • 6 credits of SOCI_V 449 Honours Tutorial
  • 27 additional credits of 300 and/or 400-level SOCI_V courses, of which at least 6 credits must be at the 400-level

*SOCI_V 370 is a 6-credit course that covers both classical sociological theory and contemporary sociological theory.

Minor in Sociology

Students who are enrolled in a major program other than Sociology and who obtain at least 30 credits of Sociology qualify to graduate with a Minor in Sociology.

The program requires that students complete:

Lower-level Requirements

12 credits of 100- and 200-level SOCI_V, including:

  • At least 3 credits from SOCI_V 100, 101, or 102
  • SOCI_V 217 Research Methods

Upper-level Requirements

  • 3 credits of classical sociological theory (from SOCI_V 370* or SOCI _V371)
  • 15 additional credits of 300- and/or 400-level SOCI_V courses

*SOCI_V 370 is a 6-credit course that covers both classical sociological theory and contemporary sociological theory.


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