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Library and Information Studies


Degree Offered: M.L.I.S.


Professor Emeritus

J. Saltman.


F. Kwakkel, H. O'Brien.

Associate Professors

M. Abdul-Mageed, E. Meyers, L. Nathan, L. Sinnamon.

Assistant Professors

J. Bullard, H. Turner.

Program Overview

The Master of Library and Information Studies, which gives its graduate professional stature, is accredited by the American Library Association and is one of some fifty in North America, including eight in Canada. Graduates employed in academic, public, school, special libraries, or other information agencies combine work with information and its users with some aspects of supervision knowledge management services. Graduates work in libraries and a wide variety of positions involving the uses of information in their broadest context; many are self-employed.

For information on the dual M.A.S./M.L.I.S. degree program, visit the Master of Archival Studies/Master of Library and Information Studies.

Master of Library and Information Studies

Admission Requirements

The M.L.I.S. program is a professional program open to those holding a bachelor's degree considered suitable by the admissions committee, and which meets the minimum admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Those applying to enter the program are expected to have a strong foundation in an academic subject area but also an enthusiasm for information and its uses in the wider sense. For detailed information, see Library Studies.

Program Requirements

For information on the M.L.I.S. program requirements, visit the Master of Library and Information Studies.

Contact Information

School of Information
The Irving K. Barber Learning Centre
470-1961 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604.822.2404
Fax: 604.822.6006


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