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Microbiology and Immunology

The Department of Microbiology and Immunology offers opportunities for study leading to doctoral, master's, and bachelor's degrees. For information on advanced degrees, see graduate Microbiology and Immunology.

The Department offers versatile major and honours specializations leading to the Bachelor of Science. All students take the same core courses but appropriate choices of selections allow students to develop foundations in diverse areas such as applied microbiology, environmental microbiology, immunology, microbial pathogenesis, microbial physiology, molecular genetics, virology, bioinformatics, computer science and oceanography. Eligible students entering second year wanting to apply to the Joint Degree Biotechnology Honours specialization and all students wanting to enter second year Microbiology and Immunology Major, Honours or second year Combined Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology Major, Honours or Microbiology and Oceanography Major specializations must apply using the online process administered by the Faculty of Science. Eligible students finishing first year will receive an email communication regarding the process in late May or early June. Due to the similarity between the Major and Honours specializations in second year the Faculty of Science only admits students directly to the Major or the Combined Major.

MICB_V 322 (Molecular Microbiology Laboratory) is a required course for the Microbiology and Immunology Major and Honour, and Combined Microbiology and Oceanography Major specializations. It is an elective course for students in the Combined Computer Science and Microbiology and Immunology Major and Honour specializations.

The Department offers MICB_V 322 in term 1 of the Winter session and term 1 of the Summer session. All students entering third-year in good standing in the Microbiology and Immunology Major and Combined Microbiology and Oceanography Major specializations will be placed into MICB_V 322. Students are required to apply to the Department for placement in the Winter or Summer sessions of MICB_V 322. Students are given priority based on their academic performance. See here for details.

Students interested in transferring into the Microbiology & Immunology specializations after year 2 can apply to the Department for a seat in MICB_V 322. Acceptance is contingent on space availability. See here for details.

The applications will open in mid-April. See here for more information.

Qualified students may apply to transfer to an Honours specialization in third year. Enrolment in any Microbiology and Immunology Honours specialization or combined Honours specialization, requires a sustained, annual academic average of at least 75% in second, third, and fourth year of these specializations.

Co-operative Education Option

This option integrates academic study with relevant supervised work experience. The work placements are arranged by mutual agreement between the students and the employing organizations. Enrolment is limited. Admission is by application to the Science Co-op Office during the co-op application period in the spring and fall terms. Selection will be based on previous academic performance and general suitability to the work environment as assessed by resumé and interview. Admissibility to a second-year Microbiology and Immunology Bachelor of Science specialization is prerequisite for admission to the Co-op Option. Completion of the Co-op program and graduation with the Co-operative Education Program designation requires completion of four work terms, in addition to the normal courses required for the specialization.  Detailed information is available from Microbiology and Immunology or the Co-operative Education Office.


Major (1153): Microbiology and Immunology

First Year 
BIOL_V 11213
One of BIOL_V 111, 12113
CHEM_V 121 (or 111, 141)24
CHEM_V 12324
One of MATH_V 100, 102, 10433
PHYS_V 100-level43
SCIE_V 1133
DSCI_V 1003
Total Credits30
Second Year 
MICB_V 205, 211 (or 201), 212 (or 202)9
BIOL_V 200, 20166
CHEM_V 233, 23574
Additional Communication Requirement83
Total Credits30
Third Year9 
MICB_V 301, 302, 322, 32312
At least one of MICB_V 325, BIOL_V 335103
Third or Fourth Year9 
BIOC_V 302113
Additional MICB_V selections9
Another MICB_V selection or a selection from BIOC_V 402, 410, 421; BIOL_V 328, 421; CHBE_V 381; MEDG_V 421; EOSC_V 4753
Fourth Year9 
MICB_V 471 (or 421 or 447)123
MICB_V 475 (or 401)123
Total Credits for Degree120
1 Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 or BIOL_V 121 and students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100 or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 (See Footnote 2). Students with credit for BIOL_V 200 or sufficient credits of first year biology to enrol in BIOL_V 200 may skip BIOL_V 112 if they take an extra 3 credits of upper-level MICB_V courses in year 3 or 4. Students should be aware that BIOL_V 180 (or BIOL_V 140) is a prerequisite for many upper-level BIOL_V courses at UBC. To maintain flexibility in their ability to study at UBC, students should consider including BIOL_V 180 (or BIOL_V 140) in their first year at UBC even though this course is not required in this specialization.
2 Students who do not have BC high school Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and CHEM_V 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123.
3 MATH_V 180 or 184 or 120 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 1 credit. MATH_V 110 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 3 credits. All of the differential calculus courses are suitable prerequisites for later MATH_V courses.
4 Chosen from 100-level PHYS_V courses, excluding PHYS_V 100. Students lacking Physics 12 must take PHYS_V 100 before taking any other 100-level PHYS_V course, using PHYS_V 100 as an elective. Students requiring PHYS_V 100 may delay other 100-level PHYS_V courses until second year.
5 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s:
a) Foundational Requirement;
b) Laboratory Science Requirement;
c) Science Breadth Requirement;
d) Science and Arts Requirements;
e) Upper-level Requirement;
f) General Degree Requirements.
6 Students may substitute BIOC_V 202 or BIOC_V 203 for BIOL_V 201.
7 Students may substitute CHEM_V 203 for CHEM_V 233 and 235. 
8 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements.
9 The normal course load for the specialization is 30 credits in each Winter Session of third or fourth year but that value depends on the combinations of selections and electives.
10 If both courses are taken, MICB_V 325 counts as an MICB_V selection.
11 BIOC_V 303 may be substituted for BIOC_V 302 by using 3 credits of elective space.
12 Students concerned about taking more than one upper level laboratory course in a single term are encouraged to organize their schedule so each lab is taken in a different term if possible.

Honours (1154): Microbiology and Immunology (MBIM)

First Year 
BIOL_V 11213
One of BIOL_V 111, 12113
CHEM_V 121 (or 111 or 141)24
CHEM_V 12324
One of MATH_V 100, 102, 10433
PHYS_V 100-level43
SCIE_V 1133
DSCI_V 1003
Total Credits30
Second Year 
MICB_V 205, 211 (or 201), 212 (or 202)9
BIOL_V 200, 20176
CHEM_V 233, 23584
Additional Communication Requirement93
Total Credits30
Third Year10 
MICB_V 301, 302, 322, 32312
At least one of MICB_V 325, BIOL_V 335113
Third or Fourth Year10 
BIOC_V 302123
Additional MICB_V selections9
Another MICB_V course or a selection from BIOC_V 402, 410, 421; BIOL_V 328, 421; CHBE_V 381; MEDG_V 421; EOSC_V 4753
Fourth Year13 
One of MICB_V 404, 406, 412, 413143
MICB_V 471 (or 421 or 447)103
MICB_V 475 (or 401)103
MICB_V 430, 449109
Total Credits for Degree132
1 Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 or BIOL_V 121 and students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100 or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 (See Footnote 2). Students with credit for BIOL_V 200 or sufficient credits of first year biology to enrol in BIOL_V 200 may skip BIOL_V 112 if they take an extra 3 credits of upper-level MICB_V courses in year 3 or 4. Students should be aware that BIOL_V 180 (or BIOL_V 140) is a prerequisite for many upper-level BIOL_V courses at UBC. To maintain flexibility in their ability to study at UBC, students should consider including BIOL_V 180 (or BIOL_V 140) in their first year at UBC even though this course is not required in this specialization.
2 Students who do not have BC high school Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and CHEM_V 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123.
3 MATH_V 180 or 184 or 120 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 1 credit. MATH_V 110 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 3 credits. All of the differential calculus courses are suitable prerequisites for later MATH_V courses. 
4 Chosen from 100-level PHYS_V courses, excluding PHYS_V 100. Students lacking Physics 12 must take PHYS_V 100 before taking any other 100-level PHYS_V course, using PHYS_V 100 as an elective. Students requiring PHYS_V 100 may delay other 100-level PHYS_V courses until second year.
5 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s:
a) Foundational Requirement;
b) Laboratory Science Requirement;
c) Science Breadth Requirement;
d) Science and Arts Requirements;
e) Upper-level Requirement;
f) General Degree Requirements.
6 In addition to meeting the minimum Upper-level Requirement (footnote 6), students must select an additional 12 credits of upper-level courses.
7 Students may substitute BIOC_V 202 or BIOC_V 203 for BIOL_V 201. 
8 Students may substitute CHEM_V 203 for CHEM_V 233 and 235. 
9 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. 
10 Students concerned about taking more than one upper-level laboratory course in a single term are encouraged to organize their schedule so each lab is taken in a different term if possible.   
11 If both courses are taken, MICB_V 325 counts as a MICB_V selection. 
12 BIOC_V 303 may be substituted for BIOC_V 302 by using 3 credits of elective space. 
13 Honours students must comply with the Faculty of Science Honours Specialization requirements.   
14 Extra courses taken from this list count as MICB_V selections. 

Combined Major (1371): Computer Science & Microbiology and Immunology

First Year 
BIOL_V 11213
CHEM_V 121 (or 111, 141)24
CHEM_V 12324
CPSC_V 110 (or 103 and 107)34
CPSC_V 12144
One of MATH_V 100, 102, 104 (120, 180, 184, 110)53
One of MATH_V 101, 103, 105 (121)53
SCIE_V 1133
Additional Communication Requirement63
Total Credits31
Second Year7 
CPSC_V 210, 22148
MICB_V 211 (or 201), 212 (or 202)6
BIOL_V 200, 20186
CHEM_V 2333
Second or Third Year7 
CPSC_V 2134
One of BIOL_V 300, MATH_V 200, 221, STAT_V 200, 201, 25193
Minimum total credits for second year30
Third Year7 
MICB_V 301, 3026
MICB_V 322 or MICB_V at 300-level or higher13,143
One of MICB_V 325, BIOL_V 3353
CPSC_V 3203
Third or Fourth Year7 
CPSC_V 3104
Two of CPSC_V 304, 313, 420, 421, 445156
MICB_V 323 (or 475 or 401) or additional MICB_V at 300-level or higher13,143
Additional CPSC_V at 300-level or higher15,166
Additional MICB_V at 300-level or higher3
Fourth Year7 
MICB_V 4053
Additional CPSC_V at 400-level15,163
Total Credits for Degree120
1 Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 and students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100 or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 (See footnote 2). Students with credit for BIOL_V 200 or sufficient credits of first year biology to enrol in BIOL_V 200 may skip BIOL_V 112 if they take an extra 3 credits of upper-level MICB_V courses in year 3 or 4.
2 Students who do not have BC high school Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and CHEM_V 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123.
3 While CPSC_V 110 is the recommended route for students pursuing a specialization in Computer Science, CPSC_V 103, 107 may be taken in its place using 2 credits of electives.
4 Students intending to pursue Co-op may include CPSC_V 210 in the first year in order to use the CPSC model for Co-op that starts after first year. Alternatively they may use the MICB model for Co-op that starts in third year. 
5 MATH_V 180 or 184 or 120 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 1 credit. MATH_V 110 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 3 credits. All of the differential calculus courses are suitable prerequisites for any later MATH_V courses. MATH_V 121 may substitute for any of the specified integral calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 1 credit.
6 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. 
7 The normal course load for the specialization is 30 credits in one Winter Session but that value depends on the combinations of selections and electives. 
8 Students may substitute BIOC_V 202 or BIOC_V 203 for BIOL_V 201.
9 STAT_V 200 is recommended for students with an interest in further STAT_V courses. STAT_V 201 is recommended for students with an interest in the Minor in Data Science. 
10 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s:
a) Foundational Requirement;
b) Laboratory Science Requirement;
c) Science Breadth Requirement;
d) Science and Arts Requirements;
e) Upper-level Requirement;
f) General Degree Requirements.
11 BIOL_V 121 and BIOL_V 140 are prerequisites for many upper-level BIOL_V courses. Accessing upper-level BIOC_V courses may require CHEM_V 205.
12 There are 16 elective credits in the specialization. Even though they are distributed as 3 credits in second year and 13 in other years, any extra elective credit taken in first or second year can be applied to the later elective credits.
13 Space in MICB_V 322 is limited. Availability depends on the demand by the other specializations requiring MICB_V 322.
14 MICB_V 322, 323 and 401 are laboratory courses. MICB_V 322 is a prerequisite for MICB_V 323 and MICB_V 401. Students wanting a less intensive laboratory experience should consider MICB_V 203 as an elective at some point in the specialization.
15 Three of the credits used to satisfy the upper-level CPSC requirements of the specialization must be chosen from 400-level CPSC_V lecture-based courses. 
16 Credits gained from undergraduate Student-Directed Seminars (CPSC_V 490) cannot be used to fulfill this requirement. 

Combined Honours (1373): Computer Science & Microbiology and Immunology

First Year 
BIOL_V 11213
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)24
CHEM_V 12324
CPSC_V 110 (or 103 and 107)34
CPSC_V 12144
One of MATH_V 100, 102, 104 (120, 180, 184, 110)53
One of MATH_V 101, 103, 105 (121)53
SCIE_V 1133
Additional Communication Requirement63
Total Credits31
Second Year7 
CPSC_V 210, 22148
MICB_V 211 (or 201), 212 (or 202)6
BIOL_V 200, 20186
CHEM_V 233, 23594
MATH_V 2003
Second or Third Year7 
CPSC_V 2134
Minimum Total Credits for Second Year30
Third Year7 
CPSC_V 3203
MICB_V 301, 3026
MICB_V 322 or MICB_V at 300-level or higher12,133
One of MICB_V 325, BIOL_V 3353
One of STAT_V 200, STAT_V 201, BIOL_V 300143
Third or Fourth Year7 
CPSC_V 3104
Two of CPSC_V 304, 313, 420, 421, 445156
CPSC_V courses numbered 300 or higher15,163
MICB_V 323 (or 475 or 401) or additional MICB_V at 300-level or higher133
MICB_V courses numbered 300 or higher3
One of MATH_V 302, STAT_V 3023
Fourth Year7 
MICB_V 4053
One of CPSC_V 449, MICB_V 449176
Minimum Credits for Degree132
1 Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 and students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100 or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 (See Footnote 2). Students with credit for BIOL_V 200 or sufficient credits of first year biology to enrol in BIOL_V 200 may skip BIOL_V 112 if they take an extra 3 credits of upper-level MICB_V courses in year 3 or 4.
2 Students who do not have BC high school Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and CHEM_V 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123.
3 While CPSC_V 110 is the recommended route for students pursuing a specialization in Computer Science, CPSC_V 103, 107 may be taken in its place using 2 credits of electives. 
4 Students intending to pursue Co-op may include CPSC_V 210 in the first year in order to use the CPSC model for Co-op that starts after first year. Alternatively they may use the MICB model for Co-op that starts in third year. 
5 MATH_V 180 or 184 or 120 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the later electives by 1 credit. MATH_V 110 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the later electives by 3 credits. All of the differential calculus courses are suitable prerequisites for later MATH_V courses. MATH_V 121 may substitute for any of the specified integral calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 1 credit.
6 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements. 
7 To continue in the specialization students must maintain at least 75% average in the second, third and fourth year, and comply with the Faculty of Science Honours Specialization.
8 Students may substitute BIOC_V 202 or BIOC_V 203 for BIOL_V 201.
9 Transfer students with credit for CHEM_V 203 and either CHEM_V 204 or 213 are exempted from the requirement for CHEM_V 233 and 235.
10 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s:
a) Foundational Requirement;
b) Laboratory Science Requirement;
c) Science Breadth Requirement;
d) Science and Arts Requirements;
e) Upper-level Requirement;
f) General Degree Requirements.
11 There are 21 elective credits in the specialization. Even though they are distributed as 3 credits in second year and 18 in other years, any extra elective credit taken in first or second year can be applied to the later elective credits.
12 Space in MICB_V 322 is limited. Availability depends on the demand by the other specializations requiring MICB_V 322.
13 MICB_V 322, 323 and 401 are laboratory courses. MICB_V 322 is a prerequisite for MICB_V 323 and MICB_V 401. Students wanting a less intensive laboratory experience should consider MICB_V 203 as an elective at some point in the specialization.
14 STAT_V 200 is recommended for students with an interest in further STAT_V courses. STAT_V 201 is recommended for students with an interest in the Minor in Data Science.
15 Three of the credits used to satisfy the upper-level CPSC requirements of the specialization must be chosen from 400-level CPSC_V lecture-based courses. 
16 Credits gained from undergraduate Student-Directed Seminars (CPSC_V 490) cannot be used to fulfill this requirement. 
17 The thesis topic must be related to bioinformatics. Students intending to take CPSC_V 449 should take CPSC_V 349 in their third year. 

Combined Major (3144): Microbiology and Oceanography

First Year 
SCIE_V 1133
PHYS_V 100-level13
CHEM_V 121 (or 111)24
CHEM_V 12324
EOSC_V 11233
BIOL_V 11243
One of MATH_V 100, 102, 10453
One of MATH_V 101, 103, 10553
Total Credits30
Second Year 
Additional Communication Requirement83
BIOL_V 200, 20196
MICB_V 211 (or 201), 212 (or 202)6
EOSC_V 211, 2706
CHEM_V 2333
Total Credits30
Second or Third Year10 
EOSC_V 372, 3736
Third Year10 
MICB_V 3013
MICB_V 3223
Third or Fourth Year10 
MICB_V 3063
One of MICB_V 325, BIOL_V 3353
Fourth Year10 
MICB_V 425, MICB_V 475 (or 401)6
Two of MICB_V 405, 418, 4486
EOSC_V 472, 4756
One of EOSC_V 470, 478, 4263
One of EOSC_V 448, 4733
Total credits for degree120
1 Chosen from 100-level PHYS_V courses, excluding PHYS_V 100 and PHYS_V 170. Students lacking Physics 12 must take PHYS_V 100 before taking any other 100-level PHYS_V course, using PHYS_V 100 as an elective. Students requiring PHYS_V 100 or MATH_V 110 may delay other 100-level PHYS_V courses until second year. Qualified students are encouraged to take PHYS_V 106.
2 Students who do not have BC high school Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100. CHEM_V 110 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 111. CHEM_V 120 and CHEM_V 115 may substitute for CHEM_V 121. CHEM_V 130 and CHEM_V 135 may substitute for CHEM_V 123.
3 Students who enter the specialization after second year may substitute EOSC_V 340.
4 Students without one of Biology 11 or Biology 12 must take BIOL_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 and students without Chemistry 12 must take CHEM_V 100 or CHEM_V 111 before taking BIOL_V 112 (See footnote 3). Students with credit for BIOL_V 200 or sufficient credits of first year biology to enrol in BIOL_V 200 may skip BIOL_V 112 if they take an extra 3 credits of upper-level MICB_V courses in year 3 or 4.
5 MATH_V 180 or 184 or 120 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 1 credit. MATH_V 110 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 3 credits. MATH_V 121 may substitute for any of the specified integral calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 1 credit.
6 Suggested electives are EOSC_V 111 (1 credit) or BIOL_V 180 (or BIOL_V 140) (2 credits). The combination of BIOL_V 121 and BIOL_V 180 (or BIOL_V 140) provides the prerequisites to have the flexibility to take upper-level BIOL_V courses.
7 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s:
a) Foundational Requirement;
b) Laboratory Science Requirement;
c) Science Breadth Requirement;
d) Science and Arts Requirements;
e) Upper-level Requirement;
f) General Degree Requirements.
8 For a full list of acceptable courses see Communication Requirements.
9 Students may substitute BIOC_V 202 or BIOC_V 203 for BIOL_V 201.
10 The normal course load for the specialization is 30 credits in one Winter Session but that value depends on the combinations of selections and electives. Be careful to plan out choices to have the prerequisites for desired courses at the appropriate time.

Specialization Objectives:

Students completing this specialization will be able to:

  1. demonstrate mastery in microbiology/oceanography that will qualify them for graduate school in either microbiology or oceanography or environmental science (given a sufficient level of accomplishment)
  2. demonstrate basic laboratory skills useful for technician-level jobs in environmental sciences

Learning Goals:

Students completing this specialization will be able to:

  1. demonstrate basic knowledge about the chemical and physical ocean environment with emphasis on microbiological processes and chemical processes
  2. use mathematical knowledge including calculus and statistical techniques for experimental set-up and data analysis
  3. use numerical problem solving (using computer programming skills) both with models and with real data
  4. use basic field/laboratory skills for observation and experimentation in microbiological oceanography
  5. illustrate the distinction between data, experiment, theory, and model
  6. integrate concepts across multiple levels of microbiological complexity
  7. conduct independent study on a topic of their choosing
  8. write reports and communicate through oral presentations

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