You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


All applicants for admission must submit the following documents by the deadlines set out below:

  • completed application form
  • personal statement
  • transcripts (originals sent directly from your university to):
  • Email (preferred):



    Allard School of Law
    Admissions Office
    1822 East Mall UBC
    Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1


  • an LSAT score (we access directly from LSAC)
  • an application fee
  • other documentation where necessary (may be e-mailed to

General, Discretionary, and Indigenous Applicants

The application form, application fee, personal statement, and all supporting documentation must be submitted on or before December 1. If an offer is made, final official transcripts (see below) with grades for courses in progress must be submitted upon completion of their degree.

Transfer, Letter of Permission, Advanced Standing

The application form, current transcripts, letter of good standing, other documents, and application fee must be submitted on or before April 30. Final official law school transcripts (see below) must be submitted by the first week of June.

Application Forms

Application forms are available online.


The academic average (GPA) for General category applicants is calculated on all the academic years of study leading to the applicant's first undergraduate degree, minus the lowest 12 credits (equivalent to four UBC term/semester courses or two year-long courses) for applicants who have completed a four-year undergraduate degree or equivalent. For applicants in the third year of an undergraduate degree program at the time of application (having fewer than the equivalent of 90 credits), the lowest six credits (equivalent to two UBC term/semester courses or one year-long course) will be eliminated from the calculation of the admission GPA.

Separate transcripts must be sent from each institution attended. An official transcript is one sent directly to the Faculty by the issuing institution. A final official transcript is a transcript sent directly to the Faculty, Allard Law at UBC, digitally (preferred) through a third-party vendor (i.e. parchment, mycreds etc.), by email or by mail: J.D. Admissions, 1822 East Mall, Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z1, or by email by the issuing institution on the completion of the current academic year.

Applicants still taking courses leading to an undergraduate degree should arrange for one current official transcript to be sent immediately, to expedite the processing of their applications, and for two final official transcripts to be sent upon completion of their degree. Applicants still in the process of completing the minimum 90 credits will receive an offer conditional on maintenance of the GPA achieved on the first 60 credits.

It is not necessary to send UBC transcripts, as they are available to the Faculty.

Law School Admissions Test (LSAT)

All applicants, except Letter of Permission applicants attending non-North American law schools, are required to submit a valid LSAT score. Applicants may take the test more than once, and the highest score will be used. Scores are valid for five years and must be valid as of September. The Admissions Office can access LSAT scores directly from LSAC if the applicant's registration is current.

We will accept the November as well as the January writings of the LSAT. However, we strongly encourage applicants to take the LSAT prior to the January test date. An applicant who wishes to rely on the January LSAT may diminish their chance of gaining admission due to the delayed review of their file.

Application Fee

A non-refundable application processing fee must accompany the application form. For application fee, see Application and Administrative Fees.

Personal Statement

When submitting an online application, all applicants are required to provide a personal statement. For the Discretionary and Indigenous categories, the statement should be approximately two to three pages (approx. 1500 words). In the case of the General category, applicants must respond to several questions, and each question specifies a maximum word count. The personal statement is an applicant's opportunity to outline those features of the application that distinguish the candidate. The personal statement is also an opportunity for a candidate to highlight their non-academic contributions, as well as any circumstances that may have contributed to or detracted from the applicant's academic and non-academic success.

Other Documents

Other documents include letters of reference, medical certificates, special circumstances letters, or National Committee on Accreditation letters, where relevant.

Interviews are not part of the admissions procedure but the Admissions staff are available to answer any questions in person, by telephone (604.822.6303), or email ( Applicants wishing to meet in person for advising should make an appointment.

Language Proficiency

Applicants who do not have adequate command of the English language will not be admitted. Applicants may be required to take a test to demonstrate adequate facility with the English language.

Admission Offers

Application processing begins in October. Offers are made to General applicants as early as November with the majority of the offers made between December and the end of April. Admissions are on a rolling basis and will continue through to the end of August. The majority of final decisions will be made by the end of June. Offers to Indigenous applicants are usually made in mid-March, and to Discretionary applicants in mid-May.


Canadian citizens, permanent residents or landed immigrants who accept the offer of a place at Allard Law must make a non-refundable deposit which is placed towards tuition at the time of acceptance.


For applicants who wish to appeal an admissions decision please refer to “Appeals on Undergraduate Admission or Readmission Decisions” within the UBC Undergraduate Admissions section of the academic calendar.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.