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Dual Degree Program Option in Arts and Science

This program offers qualified students the opportunity to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Bachelor of Science degree concurrently. Most combinations of one Arts (B.A.) specialization and one Science (B.Sc.) specialization are possible, and can be completed in four and one-half to five and one-half Winter Sessions of study. Participation in Co-operative Education and Go Global exchange is permitted. Students in the Dual Degree program will not be adjudicated for graduation for one degree before requirements for both are complete.

Program Preparation

It is essential that students create a coherent academic plan prior to application, and preferably early in their studies. To this end, interested students must seek academic advising from both the Faculty of Arts and the Faculty of Science before applying, and are encouraged to do so as soon as they identify interest in the Dual Degree program.

Prior to admission, students must satisfy the Writing Component of the Writing and Research requirement by taking one of ASTU_V 100, 101, CAP_V 100 (CAP),  Arts One, WRDS_V 150 or 350. Those who did not take either ASTU_V 100 (CAP) or Arts One in their first year must also complete 3 credits of 100-level English (ENGL) literature (or other approved options) to satisfy the Bachelor of Science Communication Requirement.. Applicants must satisfy eligibility requirements for Year 3 standing in the Faculty of Science, and are required to have completed all prerequisites for their intended Science major. Students planning admission to the Dual Degree program should plan to satisfy lower-level course requirements for both degrees in their first two years, and should seek academic advising regularly.


Application for admission is normally made in the second term of second year at UBC. Applications will not be accepted before the student is established in second year or once the student has gained fourth year standing. The Dual Degree program is not open to students with a previous degree.

Acceptance into the program is based on a review of both the applicant's transcript and a statement of academic purpose. Students should be aware that admission to specializations within Arts and Science may be competitive and require a separate application process; admission to the Dual Degree program does not imply future admission to particular specializations. For information about admission requirements for the Dual Degree, and to find the application form, visit the Dual Degree in Arts and Science. For information about admission requirements for individual specializations, see the Calendar entry or website for the relevant specialization or department.


Students admitted to the Dual Degree program must complete a minimum of 144 credits, including at least 72 Arts credits and at least 72 Science credits. Both degrees must be completed in a total of no more than 180 attempted credits, including failures, and in no more than seven Winter Sessions of study, dating from admission to the first of either Arts or Science, and including Co-op terms and Go Global exchange.

Students must satisfy all of the degree requirements for each degree as well as the program requirements for both one specialization in the Bachelor of Arts and one specialization in the Bachelor of Science. Students may select an Arts specialization at the Honours or Major level and a Science specialization at the Honours or Major level, but may not pursue a double major or minor in either Faculty. Individual courses may be considered, without limit, to satisfy requirements for both degrees provided minimum total, Arts, and Science credit requirements are also met.

Students completing a B.A. specialization in one of the following disciplines may not also complete a B.Sc. specialization in the same discipline: Cognitive Systems, Computer Science, Geography, Mathematics, and Psychology.

Promotion and Continuation

Student records are reviewed separately by each Faculty, according to their own rules, for promotion and continuation requirements. Those who fail to meet continuation requirements for either degree in the Dual Degree program may be permitted to complete the other, single, degree program, provided they meet continuation requirements for it.

In order for a student to qualify for Dean’s List standing in the Dual Degree program, each Faculty will calculate the student’s average twice using percentage-graded credits. For the first calculation, the Faculty will use all credits registered under their own degree code, which must total no fewer than 12 credits, as well as the best credits registered under the other Faculty’s degree code. Together, these must total no fewer than 27 credits, and the average earned must meet the minimum required for Dean’s List standing in that Faculty’s degree program. If this standard is met, the Faculty will then calculate the student’s average using only those credits registered under their degree code. If this average also meets the minimum average required for Dean’s List standing in that degree program, a standing of Dean’s List will be awarded. If either of these standards is not met, Dean’s List standing will not be awarded for that degree. Note that each Faculty awards Dean’s List standing separately, and it is possible to earn the standing under each degree in a single Winter Session.

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