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Degree Offered: M.J.




K. Al-Solaylee, A. Hermida, P. W. Klein, M. L. Young.

Associate Professors

C. Callison, L. Maraj.

Assistant Professors

S. Dadugblor, A. McGee, O. Tenenboim.

Program Overview

The mission of the School of Journalism, Writing, and Media is to achieve the highest professional standards in journalism through instruction in journalistic practice and the scholarly understanding of journalism, critical thinking, and teaching of ethical responsibility. By combining advanced journalism practice and theory with academic studies at the graduate level, the program not only enhances advanced journalism, but also improves the information base and scholarly preparation of students for journalistic writing in their specialty subject areas. The program serves the profession of journalism and brings developments in many areas of academic investigation to a wider reading public. Workshops, seminars, tutorials, conferences, internships, and publications deal with reportage as well as major issues, theories, and developments in the field of journalism. Emphasis is placed on the writing of journalism, on the historic evolution of journalism as a profession, ethics and journalism, on journalism and the legal system, and on the role and character of journalism in a changing society.

For more information, please visit the School and the online publication,

Master of Journalism

Admission Requirements

Applicants with journalism experience must submit an extensive sample of their professional work; those without such experience will be selected on the basis of a manuscript of original writing that meets the standard of the peer group selected for entry into the program. The admissions panel will assess the applicant's potential for satisfactory performance in the program and for potential creative and constructive contribution to the profession.

Applicants for admission to the Master of Journalism program must possess a four-year baccalaureate degree in a discipline or interdisciplinary area regarded by the Admissions Committee as appropriate for the program. Only applicants with superior performance at the baccalaureate level and appropriate journalism knowledge and experience will be admitted. Applicants will be required to indicate their intended academic specialty at the time they apply. Because the number of applicants greatly exceeds the number of places available, a record that satisfies basic entrance requirements does not guarantee admission to the program. Registration in graduate seminars in the academic specialty will be subject to the approval of the Director.

Applicants must meet the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. International applicants who do not hold a bachelor's degree from an institution where English is the language of instruction will be required to submit a TOEFL score of 104 (615 paper) or more, or the equivalent score on another accepted English proficiency exam.

Program Requirements

The program is designed for both persons with extensive journalistic experience, and for those who do not have such experience but who demonstrate superior writing and research ability on par with the peer group.

The Master of Journalism program is comprised of 42 credits total. 

Students are required to take 33 credits from the following core areas:

  • Journalism Practice
  • Media Studies
  • Directed Studies
  • Research and Writing

The 33 credits must be made up of 21 credits of required coursework and 12 credits of Journalism electives. Please see the School website for the list of required courses (under Degree Requirements).

Students must take an additional 9 credits in academic studies outside Journalism; only 3 of the 9 credits can be undergraduate courses at the 300- to 400- level.

Coursework must be determined in consultation with the Director.

Contact Information

School of Journalism, Writing, and Media
6388 Crescent Road
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z2
Tel: 604.822.6688
Fax: 604.822.6707
Attn: Journalism Graduate Support Clerk

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