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Pharmaceutical Sciences

Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc.



B. Cairns, T. Chang, M. Coughtrie, S. Jarvis-Selinger, U. Kumar, F. Lalji, S. Li, L. D. Lynd, J. McCormack, C. Nislow, B. Rodrigues, C. Ross, P. J. Soja, K. Wilbur, J. M. Y. Wong, P. J. Zed.

Associate Professor

A. Conklin, M. De Vera, A. Frankel, G. Giaever, M. J. Harrison, P. S. Loewen, B. Page, M. Sadatsafavi, K. Williams, H. Wong, W. Zhang.

Assistant Professor

M. Cheng, J. Cragg, J. Finbloom, K. Johnson, N. Krentz, A. Maharaj, L. Schummers, R. Turgeon, T. Velenosi, L. Vu, S. Wisnovsky.

Program Overview

The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers opportunities for advanced study leading to the Master of Science (M.Sc.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in the following research areas: nanomedicine, drug delivery; drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics and toxicology; pharmacogenomics and pharmacogenetics; diabetes, cardiovascular and molecular pharmacology; neuropharmacology; cancer pharmacology; pharmaceutical health outcomes and pharmacotherapeutics; and pharmaceutical education.

The research interests of the individual members are found in the Department's faculty section. The Faculty ranks in the top tier of Canadian pharmaceutical sciences faculty and provides outstanding research mentoring opportunities.

The Faculty graduates highly qualified personnel. There is a high demand for our graduates in academic and clinical institutions, pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies, and government.

The program is open to those holding undergraduate or graduate degrees from recognized universities, whether in pharmaceutical sciences or a related discipline.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the Ph.D. program are expected to meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies Admission Requirements. Transfer from the M.Sc. to the Ph.D. program is permitted under Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies regulations.

Please see the English Language Proficiency Test requirements for more information.

Program Requirements

All doctoral students are required to complete a comprehensive examination successfully. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements. Ph.D. students must also complete PHAR_V 648 (Graduate Seminar), PHAR_V 590, PHAR_V 591, and the Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Student Presentation Skills Workshop. For details, please visit the Program.

The regulations that apply to M.Sc. students in terms of course requirements apply to doctoral students who have not taken these courses. Coursework is selected in consultation with the student's supervisory committee.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

New graduate students holding a baccalaureate degree are generally admitted only into the M.Sc. program; however, we strongly encourage subsequent transfer into the Ph.D. program for those who wish to pursue a Ph.D. For information on transferring to the Ph.D. program see the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Please see the English Language Proficiency Test requirements for more information.

Program Requirements

The M.Sc. program requires successful completion of a minimum of 30 credits, including PHAR_V 548, PHAR_V 590, PHAR_V 591 and either a 12-credit or an 18-credit thesis (PHAR_V 549). The version of the thesis course in which a student may enroll is determined by the student's research theme. 

Students writing the 18-credit thesis must complete a minimum of 12 credits of graduate courses (at the 500-level or above). Students writing the 12-credit thesis must complete a minimum of 18 credits of coursework, of which at least 12 credits must be at the 500-level or above.  

In addition to coursework, all students are required to complete the Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate Student Presentation Skills Workshop as part of their degree requirements.

For more details, please visit the Program.

Contact Information

Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Office of the Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
2405 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604.827.0188
Fax: 604.822.3035
Shirley Wong
Manager, Office of Associate Dean, Graduate and Post-Doctoral Studies


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