You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Program Requirements

Students are required to take courses designed to prepare them for entry to participating undergraduate degree programs and UBC Vantage College reserves the right to limit student enrolment accordingly. Specific course requirements will be set out by the College from time to time and will be adjusted to synchronize with undergraduate degree program first-year curricula. In addition to the credits required for their 11-month Vantage One Program (as outlined below), students may take up to 6 credits of 100-level UBC coursework with the permission of the College. 

UBC Vantage One Programs

Vantage One Arts

Students must complete the following requirements:

21 credits: 
  • ASTU_V 101 (3)
  • HIST_V 113 (3)
  • LING_V 101 (3)
  • POLI_V 100 (3)
  • SOCI_V 101 (3)
  • LLED_V 200 (3)
  • VANT_V 148 (2)
  • VANT_V 149 (1)
6 credits: 
Students must choose two of the following courses: 
  • PSYC_V 101 (3)
  • GEOG_V 122 (3)
6 credits of electives: 
  • In addition to the above required courses, students complete two courses (6 credits) from the list of approved 100-level elective courses in Summer Term 1 from the Faculty of Arts, in consultation with UBC Vantage program advising. 
Total Credits33

Vantage One Engineering

Students must complete:

  • APSC_V 160
  • APSC_V 172
  • APSC_V 173
  • APSC_V 176
  • APSC_V 178
  • APSC_V 179
  • APSC_V 180
  • APSC_V 182
  • APSC_V 183
  • LLED_V 2001
  • LLED_V 2011
  • VANT_V 1401
  • VANT_V 150
  • VANT_V 151
Total Credits44
1 Credits will not count toward requirements for a Bachelor of Applied Science degree at UBC.

Vantage One Management

Admission to the UBC Vantage One Management Program is suspended until further notice.

Students must complete:

  • ECON_V 101 and ECON_V 102
  • LLED_V 200
  • MGMT_V 100 and MGMT_V 110
  • PSYC_V 101 and PSYC_V 102
  • SOCI_V 101 and SOCI_V 1021
  • VANT_V 1402
  • VANT_V 148 and VANT_V 149
  • WRDS_V 1503 and ASTU_V 2041
Total Credits40
1 Students must register in UBC Vantage College specific course sections.
2 Credits will not count toward requirements for a Bachelor of Management degree in the Faculty of Management at UBC Okanagan.
3 WRDS_V 150 will fulfill the English requirement for the Faculty of Management at UBC Okanagan. A minimum grade of 60% is required for WRDS_V 150.

Vantage One Science

Students must complete:

  • One of EOSC_V 110 or CPSC_V 103
  • One of CHEM_V 123, CPSC_V 107, or PHYS_V 118 (PHYS_V 119 is recommended for students who take PHYS_V 118)
  • CHEM_V 121
  • LLED_V 2004 and LLED_V 2014
  • MATH_V 100
  • MATH_V 101
  • PHYS_V 117
  • SCIE_V 113
  • VANT_V 1404
  • VANT_V 148 and VANT_V 149
  • CPSC_V 121 or Elective6
Total Credits40-425
4 Credits will not count toward requirements for a Bachelor of Science degree at UBC.
5 Total credits will depend on the student's academic background and intended area of study in a Bachelor of Science program, i.e., one of the physical or computational sciences.
6 In consultation with UBC Vantage College program advisors, students select a 3-credit Science elective course.

Students in the Vantage One Program failing two or more courses will be required to withdraw. Subject to approval by the College and payment of a supplemental fee, students failing one course will be able to re-take the course during a supplemental term.


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.