Degree Offered: M.A.S./M.L.I.S.
The dual degree program is designed to allow students to earn both a Master of Archival Studies (M.A.S.) and a Master of Library and Information Studies (M.L.I.S.) within a reasonable period of time (generally between three and five years). Students considering this option should carefully read the descriptions, including the sections regarding undergraduate preparation for each of the two individual degrees. Students who wish to complete the Dual Degree program should indicate this as early as possible, preferably on their application submitted to the School prior to admission, or following admission by speaking to a faculty advisor.
Application Deadlines
Prospective applicants may address inquiries and applications for admission to the Program Assistant, School of Information. Specify the Dual Master of Archival Studies/Master of Library and Information Studies degree program.
The program accepts only students whose personal and academic qualifications appear to make them suitable for successful practice in library, archival, and information professions.
The program has a limited enrolment. The number of qualified applicants exceeds the number of available places. In recent years, those accepted have shown academic ability above the minimum required standard specified below.
Students who are applying for the dual degree program must be admitted to both the M.L.I.S and the M.A.S. programs. For admission to the M.L.I.S program and the M.A.S. program, a candidate must:
- possess a four-year bachelor's degree (or its equivalent) from a recognized university in a discipline acceptable to the Admissions Committee for the program;
- have achieved a minimum overall average in the B+ range (76% at UBC) in third- and fourth-year level courses of a bachelor's degree; and
- show promise of superior professional performance as attested by letters of reference and the UBC iSchool questionnaire.
Applicants to the program from international institutions will be considered on a case-by-case basis for eligibility. An applicant possessing a bachelor's degree or its academic equivalent who does not meet the requirements of point two above should contact the School's Educational Services Coordinator for information regarding possible qualifying coursework.
Language Requirement
See the Master of Library and Information Studies or Master of Archival Studies degree programs.
Candidates admitted to the Dual Degree program will register in the School and will be assigned an advisor from each program.
Program Requirements
The two master's degrees, M.A.S. and M.L.I.S., are awarded on the completion of a total of 81 credits of work approved by the School. Students must complete the following:
- A total of 81 credits. Of these, at least 36 must be ARST_V and 36 must be LIBR. The remaining nine credits can be a combination of ARST, LIBR, or other approved courses.
Core Requirement: Within the total of 81 credits, each student must take the core courses in both M.A.S. and M.L.I.S. programs:
- M.A.S. Core: ARST_V 500, ARST_V 510, ARST_V 515, ARST_V 516, ARST_V 555, ARST_V 573, and (3 credits each for a total of 18 credits)
- M.L.I.S Core: LIBR_V 506, LIBR_V 507 and LIBR_V 509 (3 credits each for a total of 9 credits)
Appraisal Requirement: (M.A.S.): All students are required to take ARST_V 520.
Portfolio Requirement: (M.L.I.S.) All students are required to take LIBR_V 598 in the final or penultimate term of their program.
Management Requirement (M.L.I.S.): All students are required to take a minimum of 6 credits of courses in the organizational management area, drawn from the following courses: LIBR_V 504, LIBR_V 570, LIBR_V 571, LIBR_V 574, LIBR_V 575, LIBR_V 576. Graduate or upper undergraduate level organizational management courses taken outside the M.L.I.S. program may be used to satisfy up to 3 credits of this requirement, with permission of the Graduate Advisor.
Students in the Dual M.A.S./M.L.I.S. program must meet all of the stated academic regulations of both the M.A.S. and M.L.I.S. programs in order to remain in the program. A student who fails to meet any of these must withdraw from the program. Students in the Dual program will start in either the M.A.S. or M.L.I.S. Core, depending on when they enter the School of Information. Students who begin the Dual program with the M.L.I.S. Core must successfully complete all Core Requirement courses before they can take any ARST_V courses. Students who begin the Dual program with the M.A.S. Core courses must complete all Core Requirement courses before they can take any LIBR courses. To complete the requirements of the degree, students can take up to 9 credits other than those designated “ARST” or “LIBR” at UBC.