S. McDougall, Director
R. D. Beckie, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Princeton), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
E. Eberhardt, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Sask.), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
U. Mayer, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Waterloo), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Associate Professors
S. McDougall, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Br.Col.), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professors
A. Ameli, Ph.D. (Waterloo), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Assistant Professor of Teaching
J. Yeung, P.Eng., M.Eng. (Br.Col.), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Board of Study
A. Ameli, Ph.D. (Waterloo), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
R. D. Beckie, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Princeton), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
A. Bigazzi, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Portland State), Civil Engineering
E. Eberhardt, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Sask.), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
D. Elmo, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Exeter), Norman B. Keevil Institute of Mining Engineering
C. Jaeger, P.Eng., M.A.Sc. (Br.Col.), Associate Dean Academic, Applied Science
K. Johnston, P.Eng., P.Geo., M.Sc. (Calg.), BGC Engineering
M. Kelly, P.Eng., M.Eng. (Br.Col.), Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure
U. Mayer, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Waterloo), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
S. McDougall, P.Eng., Ph.D. (Br.Col.), Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
N. Rose, P.Eng., M.Eng. (Br.Col.), Piteau Associates
J. M. Steele, P.Eng., M.Eng. (Br.Col.), WSP
J. Yeung, P.Eng., M.Eng. (Br.Col.), Head, Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
Three Student Representatives
Professors Emeriti
J. L. Smith, Ph.D. (Br.Col.), F.R.S.C., F.A.G.U., Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences