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Internal Medicine

The training program includes ward work and case conferences on general medical and sub-specialty ward services supervised by members of the Faculty. The residents are given progressive responsibility for patient care on medical wards. Investigation and management of disease in ambulatory patients is provided under the direction of faculty members in the General Internal Medicine and medical specialties.

The Department of Medicine utilizes the following facilities: Vancouver General Hospital, , St. Paul's Hospital, BC Cancer Agency, and the G. F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre. The distributed expansion sites include Victoria, Kelowna, and Prince George. Several Community Care Medicine electives are offered at a variety of non-tertiary care centres throughout British Columbia, both inside and outside of the Lower Mainland.

The objectives of this program are to provide up to four years training in medicine for graduate physicians interested in a career in medicine in a community hospital or in an academic centre.

The core training program will consist of graduated experience in the clinical teaching units at Vancouver General Hospital, St. Paul's Hospital, Royal Columbian Hospital, Royal Jubilee Hospital, Kelowna General Hospital, and Prince George Regional Hospital. Rotations are offered in all of the subspecialty training programs, including: Addictions Medicine, Cardiology, Clinical Chemistry, Critical Care Medicine, Endocrinology, Gastroenterology, General Internal Medicine, Geriatric Medicine, Haematology, Infectious Disease, Medical Oncology, Nephrology, Neurology, Palliative Care, Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Medicine, Respiratory Medicine, and Rheumatology.

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