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Business and Computer Science – Combined Major

This combined major provides students with a strong grounding in both business and computer science. Although the degree granted is the B.Com., the program is jointly administered by the Faculty and the Department of Computer Science. Both units will provide student advising.

Effective September 1, 2022, the following requirements represent the core courses of this Combined Major. Students who were initially registered in the program prior to September 1, 2022, should consult the Undergraduate Office regarding the requirements to complete the program.

Year 1
ECON_V 1013
ECON_V 1023
MATH_V 1003
MATH_V 1013
COMM_V 10113
COMM_V 1053
COMM_V 19223
COMM_V 1963
CPSC_V 1104
CPSC_V 1214
Total Credits32
Year 2 
COMM_V 2021
COMM_V 1903
COMM_V 19123
COMM_V 2933
COMM_V 2943
COMM_V 2953
COMM_V 2983
COMM_V 2053
CPSC_V 2104
CPSC_V 2134
CPSC_V 2214
Total Credits34
Year 3 
COMM_V 2963
COMM_V 2033
COMM_V 3963
COMM_V 4383
3 credits from COMM_V 393, 2043
CPSC_V 3043
CPSC_V 3104
CPSC_V 3203
One course from CPSC_V 313, 317, 319, 322, 330, 340, 3443-4
Total Credits31-32
Year 4 
COMM_V 33533
COMM_V 4363
3 credits from COMM_V 393, 20443
COMM_V 3943
COMM_V 4001
3 credits from COMM_V 336, 435, 439, 456, or a 400-level Business Technology Management course53
COMM_V 4913
3 credits from CPSC_V 300 or higher63
6 credits from CPSC_V 400 or higher66
Total Credits31
Total Credits for Degree128-129
1 COMM_V 101 is not required for students transferring to Second or Third Year of the program. Transfer students must complete 3 credits of Commerce or Non-Commerce courses at any level in lieu of COMM_V 101.
2 For students transferring into Second or Third year Year of the program, the following are acceptable alternatives:
COMM_V 191: STAT_V 200 (if taken at UBC prior to admission to the program)
COMM_V 192: COMM_V 329 or COMR_V 329
Must be taken in Term 1.
Whichever course not taken in third year.
See B.Com. website for a list of Business Technology Management courses available to fulfill this requirement.
CPSC student directed seminars (CPSC_V 490) cannot be used to satisfy the CPSC_V 300 and 400-level course requirements.


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