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Degrees Offered:Ph.D., M.S.N., M.P.H./M.S.N., M.N.-N.P.



J. Baumbusch, G. Boschma, H. Brown, A. Browne, V. Bungay, S. Campbell, J. Oliffe, A. Phinney, E. Saewyc, S. Wong.

Professor Emeritus

S. Campbell, W. A. Hall, M. J. Lynam, M. MacPhee, S. Thorne.

Associate Professor

L. Currie, S. Dahinten, B. Garrett, K. Haase, F. Havaei, F. Howard, L. Hung, E. Jenkins, S. Lauck.

Associate Professor Emeritus

P. Rodney.

Assistant Professor

A. Abdulai, J. Auxier, D. Clark, R. Dev, T. Goodyear , S. Hirani,  E. Ojukwu, S. Ramsay, M. Ranger, A. Russolillo, L. Wytenbroek.

Program Overview

The School of Nursing offers four graduate degrees: a Master of Science in Nursing (M.S.N.), a Master of Nursing (M.N.), the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), and the Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Seniors Care (M.H.L.P. in S.C.) in partnership with Applied Science, as well as one dual degree with the School of Population & Public Health – a Master of Public Health and Master of Science in Nursing (MPH/MSN). These graduate degree programs provide advanced professional leadership, clinical scholarship, and research training.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Applicants to the program are admitted on the basis of outstanding achievement in their master's program; evidence of potential for research and scholarship; an ability to be self-directed; and articulated goals in keeping with the resources available in the program, including available faculty support and programs of research. The number of qualified applicants that can be accepted in any given year is determined by faculty resources and other factors. Applicants must at minimum meet the admission requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Canadian students must hold practising nurse registration in BC or another province. International students must meet general eligibility criteria for nurse registration in BC.

Transfer from the M.S.N. to the Ph.D. program is permitted under regulations set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies.

Part-time Doctoral Classification is also available. Students who wish to be classified as part-time must obtain approval from their proposed supervisor and graduate program advisor as part of the admission process. Once registered part-time, students cannot switch to full-time status.

Program Requirements

The Ph.D. program in Nursing is designed to prepare researchers and leaders to develop the knowledge base of nursing. The program combines core courses totaling 9 credits and support courses as specified by the supervisory committee. All doctoral students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination and an oral candidacy examination. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.

Master of Science in Nursing

The M.S.N. program is designed to prepare graduates to function as leaders in a range of roles such as education, advanced practice, policy implementation, health care management, and nursing knowledge development.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must be registered nurses with a bachelor's degree, normally in nursing, who meet the admission requirements of the UBC Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Successful applicants will be drawn from the top-ranked candidates who have a minimum overall average of 76% at the third- and fourth-year levels, with a first class standing (80% or above) in 12 credits or more of nursing courses in their baccalaureate program. In order to be included among the top-ranked candidates, there must be clear evidence that the applicant is competent to pursue studies in the English language. Completion of a satisfactory TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language), may be required before any offer of admission can be made.

Program Requirements

The program provides basis for leadership in professional nursing practice and also creates a foundation for doctoral studies. Students complete a total of 30 credits, comprising core, focus, and elective courses. The student must complete either a 3-credit research project (NURS_V 595) or a 9-credit thesis (NURS_V 599). Completion of NURS_V 599 master thesis includes an oral examination.

Dual Degrees: Master of Public Health/Master of Science in Nursing

This program permits students to obtain a dual M.P.H. (Master of Public Health) - M.S.N. (Master of Science in Nursing) degree. Students may apply to the School of Population and Public Health and the School of Nursing to pursue an enriched curriculum in public health and nursing studies. For more information on the dual degree program, see Population and Public Health.

Master of Nursing

The M.N. degree is designed to prepare graduates in a specialized area of nursing practice within the context of a professional graduate education.

Nurse Practitioner

The M.N. Nurse Practitioner (M.N.-N.P.) program prepares nurse practitioners who will work in primary care settings. Graduates will be prepared to assess, diagnose, and treat common and predictable conditions across the lifespan, and will be eligible to apply for registration as Nurse Practitioner (Family) in British Columbia.

Admission Requirements

Applicants must meet general requirements of the UBC Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies for admission, including a minimum overall average of 76% at the third- and fourth-year levels, with a First class standing (80% or above) in 12 credits or more of nursing courses in their bachelor's program. In addition, they must hold current registration as a Registered Nurse in British Columbia and have completed a minimum of three years of clinical practice as a registered nurse, demonstrate clinical excellence, and provide evidence of their ability to work autonomously. Applicants with previous graduate level preparation in nursing or course equivalence established by the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) may be considered for advanced standing in the M.N.-N.P. program or for exemptions from specified coursework. Exemptions will be determined on an individual basis by the M.N.-N.P. Program Admissions Committee.

Program Requirements

In accordance with the professional and regulatory requirements associated with this form of advanced nursing practice, this option normally comprises 56 credits of coursework, combining 9 credits of graduate level theory courses in common with the M.S.N. program core requirements, up to 44 credits of primary health care theory and practice training, and a 3-credit culminating scholarly project.

Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Seniors Care (M.H.L.P. in S.C.)

The Master of Health Leadership and Policy in Seniors Care (M.H.L.P. in S.C.) professional program is designed to prepare professionals to lead, design, and deliver comprehensive care and services for seniors in a range of community and institutional settings in both the public and private sectors. The goal of the program is to provide learning experiences that enable graduates to complement their knowledge of the health of seniors with both substantive knowledge related to seniors care and knowledge of business operations.

Students may apply through Applied Science Professional Programs. For more information on the M.H.L.P. program see the professional programs portal.

Contact Information

School of Nursing
T201-2211 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 2B5
Tel: 604.822.7446
Fax: 604.822.7466

Prospective Students and Applicants:
Tel: 604.822.9754
Fax: 604.822.7466

Current Students Registered in Degree Programs

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