You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Adding a Specialization Outside the Faculty of Arts

Bachelor of Fine Arts students are permitted to complete one of the following specializations offered by Faculties other than the Faculty of Arts. Note that the primary specialization in the degree must be completed in Arts. Students are advised to be mindful of the Arts Credit Minimum. See Degree Requirements and Credit Requirements and Regulations.

Minor in Commerce

The Minor in Commerce exposes students to various business disciplines: accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour and business strategy. Enrolment in this program is strictly limited, and admission is competitive. The online application form, which can be found on the Arts Undergraduate website, is available each year between March 1st and May 31st.

Minor in Land and Food Systems

The Faculty of Land and Food Systems offers six optional minors for Arts students. Upon declaration of one of the following minor options, the notation "Minor in [Subject]" will be denoted on the student's transcript. Note that most upper-level Land and Food Systems and Science courses have lower-level pre-requisites. Interested students are encouraged to meet with an Arts Academic Advisor as early as possible to discuss program planning.

The Applied Animal Biology Minor comprises 18 credits selected from APBI_V 311 (BIOL_V 364), 312, 314, 315, 316, 327 (BIOL_V 327), 398, 410, 411, 413, 414, 415, 416, 418, 419, 427 (BIOL_V 411), 496; PSYC_V 306.

The Sustainable Agriculture and Environment Minor comprises 18 credits selected from APBI_V 318, 322, 324 (BIOL_V 324), 327 (BIOL_V 327), 328 (BIOL_V 317), 342 (FRST_V 310), 351 (BIOL_V 351/FRST_V 311), 401, 402, 403, 417, 426 (BIOL_V 421), 428, 440 (BIOL_V 440), 444 (FRST_V 444)

The Food and Resource Economics Minor comprises 18 credits selected from ECON_V 371, FRE_V 302, 306, 326, 340, 374 (ECON_V 374), 385, 402, 420, 460, 490.

The Food Science Minor comprises 18 credits selected from FNH_V 300, 301, 302, 303, 309, 313, 330, 335, 402, 403, 405, 413, 419, 430.

The Nutritional Sciences Minor comprises 21 credits:

  • FNH_V 250, 350, 351; and
  • 12 credits selected from FNH_V 301, 355, 370, 371, 398, 402, 451, 454, 455, 471, 472, 473, 474, 477, 490

The Sustainable Food Systems Minor comprises 24 credits:


  • LFS_V 250 and 350;
  • 3 credits from APBI_V 314, 315, BIOL_V 343, EDCP_V 329, FNH_V 342, 355, 455, LFS_V 340, SOCI_V 342, 360, 423, GEOG_V 410;
  • 3 credits from APBI_V 360, 402, 428, 444, ENVR_V 430, 440, FNH_V 309, GEOG_V 310, 318;
  • 3 credits from APBI_V 361, 414, FNH_V 415, FRE_V 302, 306, 340, 374, 460, GEOG_V 311, SCIE_V 420;
  • 3 credits from APBI_V 465, LFS_V 450, 496; and
  • 3 additional credits from any 300- or 400-level course listed above


Space in many Faculty of Science and Faculty of Land and Food Systems courses is limited. Admission to a Land and Food Systems minor does not provide priority access to courses agreed upon for the minor.

Minor in Science

The Minor in Science allows students to explore any of the disciplines taught in the Faculty of Science through a customized program of study. An acceptable program must comprise courses recognized for credit in the Faculty of Science and acceptable for a BSc Major (or Minor) in the proposed subject area or field. Interested students are advised to meet with an Arts Academic Advisor as early as possible to discuss program planning and to have their proposed Minor approved. A Minor in Science may be declared in second year or later.

The proposed Minor must include at least 18 credits numbered 300 or higher in a single subject or field of specialization, together with any necessary prerequisites for those upper-level courses. Students should design a coherent and academically sound course of studies for their proposed Minor and, to this end, are encouraged to consult the website of the relevant Science department and/or Departmental Advising as part of their program planning. Note that space in many courses is limited and admission to a Science Minor does not guarantee a seat in courses agreed upon for the Minor.

Double Major Program in Fine Arts and Science

Students with a deeper interest in both Fine Arts and Science disciplines may choose to further enrich their studies by completing a Double Major in Fine Arts and Science. In this program, students must satisfy the requirements for both a Major in Fine Arts and a Major in Science. This normally entails the completion of more than 120 total credits. The following requirements must also be met:

  • all Bachelor of Fine Arts degree requirements
  • all Arts requirements for a Double Major Program
  • all Science Major program requirements as outlined in the Academic Calendar by the Faculty of Science.

Interested students are advised to meet with an Arts Academic Advisor as early as possible to discuss program planning. They are further advised that a Science Major is normally declared in second year, and admission may require a separate application process and a competitive admission average. Students should read the website and/or meet with the Departmental Advisor for the Science program they are interested in pursuing as early in their degree as possible.

If they are qualified for admission, students may attempt an Honours/Major or Double Honours program. Entry requires high academic standing and a clear academic plan.

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