Application for admission to the Faculty of Land and Food Systems must be made through Enrolment Services. Procedures, policies, and admission requirements for the University of British Columbia and the Faculty of Land and Food Systems are specified in the Admissions section of the UBC Academic Calendar.
Admission from Secondary School
Admissibility is determined on the basis of a number of factors including performance in specific high school courses, the overall academic rigor of the program, evidence of relevant learning and achievements both in and out of school, and other indicators of suitability for the Bachelor of Science programs offered through the Faculty of Land and Food Systems at UBC.
Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer Student or With a Previous Degree
Students applying to the Faculty of Land and Food Systems by transfer from other post-secondary institutions or with a previous degree should note that, as per the University’s policy on Requirements to Receive a Degree or Diploma, they will be required to complete at least 50% of their program’s required course load while registered in their LFS program.
No more than 60 credits of transfer credits will be applied to a student’s UBC academic record, and credit will be assigned as follows:
- For post-secondary transfer students, transfer credit from other post-secondary institutions will be assessed by the UBC Undergraduate Admissions Office at the point of admission and in accordance with articulation agreements between UBC and other post-secondary institutions.
Please note, not all transfer credit is necessarily applicable to a students’ degree program. As such, when students present in excess of 60 transfer credits, the Faculty will determine which 60 credits are most applicable to the degree program. Students can learn more at Maximum Allowable Transfer Credit.
Transfer applicants to the Faculty of Land and Food Systems must also present the required program-specific high school academic pre-requisites listed for their curriculum in Admissions. In some cases, university transferable coursework may satisfy these pre-requisites. These courses are critical to degree progression within the Faculty.
Students admitted to the Faculty of Land and Food Systems by transfer from other post-secondary institutions must have met the Communication Requirement of the Faculty or be eligible to enrol in first-year English at the time of admission. Students who do not meet the Communication Requirement at the time of admission should be aware that their registration may be blocked or restricted and they will not be promoted to higher year levels until this requirement has been met. See the Faculty’s promotion rules here.
Students admitted by transfer will be admitted to the year level that is appropriate according to the Faculty’s Year Promotion Requirement. The Promotion Requirements are based on the number of credits completed, and the degree of completion of required courses of the student’s program.
Students with questions about their eligibility are encouraged to contact LFS Student Services.
UBC Langara Aboriginal Transfer Partnership
To be eligible to transfer to UBC into the Faculty of Land Food Systems through this partnership, Aboriginal students must meet the general requirements for admission as a post-secondary transfer student as well as the following specific requirements:
- Successful completion of at least 48 (and no more than 60) credits (within the last four years). Students who present at least 54 credits, and have completed all first-year requirements (with the exception of LFS_V 100), may be eligible for third-year standing;
- An academic average of at least 2.671 or greater on the most recent 30 credits of transferable courses attempted, including failed and retaken courses;
- Completion of required high school academic pre-requisites. In some cases, university transferable coursework may satisfy these pre-requisites;
- Successful completion of the Transition Plan offered by Langara in collaboration with UBC;
- Consultation with the LFS Academic Advisor, Indigenous Students on course selection while at Langara.
Applicants who do not meet these requirements may be considered for admission as a transfer student and can be considered through UBC's Aboriginal Admissions Policy
For more information about the UBC Langara Aboriginal Transfer Partnership, please visit the website.
1If in a particular year the competitive admission criterion is lower than 2.67, then the applicants in that year will be evaluated against the lower admission criterion.
Langara Diploma in Food, Nutrition, and Health (FNH) Transfer
Eligible graduates from the Langara Diploma in Food, Nutrition, and Health (FNH) Transfer are guaranteed admission to UBC into the non-competitive majors in the Bachelor of Science in Food, Nutrition, and Health program in the Faculty of Land Food Systems. They are also eligible to apply to the competitive majors, including the 3rd year of the Dietetics major, the Food Science major or the Food and Nutritional Sciences Double major. Admission to these competitive majors is not guaranteed.
To be eligible for this transfer program, students must have completed the Langara Diploma within 4 years and achieved a minimum Cumulative GPA of 3.0.
Students Applying to LFS from Another Program at UBC
Students who are currently enrolled in another program at UBC and wish to transfer in to a program in the Faculty of Land and Food Systems must complete the ‘Change of Degree Program/Campus’ application available through the Applicant Service Centre. Students applying for admission from another UBC program are subject to the requirements noted above under “Admission as a Post-Secondary Transfer Student or With a Previous Degree.”
Details can be found here. Applications must be received by May 15.
Students Applying for Readmission
Students who have previously attended the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, left in good academic standing, have been away from their studies for more than one academic year and wish to return to their previous program of study should consult the Readmission section of the UBC Academic Calendar for details.
Students who have previously attended the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, left in good academic standing and have been away for one academic year or less, and wish to return to their previous program of study may do so without re-application. Students should consult the Academic Leave section of the UBC Academic Calendar.
Students who have previously attended the Faculty of Land and Food Systems, and were required to discontinue from the Faculty or withdraw from the University and wish to return to their previous program of study should consult the Faculty’s Guidelines for Readmission.
Students with questions about their status should consult with LFS Student Services prior to submitting an application.
Advising Office
The Faculty of Land and Food Systems Academic Advising Office (Student Services) is located in Room 344, HR MacMillan Building, 2357 Main Mall. The office can be reached by telephone at 604.822.2620 or by email at For office hours, please visit us online.
Email is the preferred means for the Faculty of Land and Food Systems administration and faculty members to communicate important messages to students. It is the responsibility of all LFS students to ensure their current email address is accurately recorded on Workday and to read emails sent to that account on a regular basis.