Degree Offered: M.F.A.
N. Hopkinson, A. Lyon, K. Maillard, A. Ohlin, L. Svendsen.
Associate Professor
N. Lee, S. McGowan, M. Medved, T. Taylor.
Assistant Professor
B-R. Belcourt, W. French, A. Irani, F. Koncan, S. Leavitt, A. Marzano-Lesnevich, C. Nicholson, E. Pohl-Weary.
Associate Professor Emerita
R. Tregebov.
Program Overview
The School of Creative Writing offers two streams of study leading to the Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.). The first is a two-year resident program. The second is an online distance program with part-time and residency options. See Creative Writing for more information. See also Film Production/Creative Writing and Creative Writing/Theatre.
The School of Creative Writing publishes; resident graduate students participate in the editing and production of the magazine.
Master of Fine Arts
Admission Requirements
Applicants must satisfy the general requirements set by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and should submit work in two or more of the genres listed in the Creative Writing handbook on our website, specifying which is their major area of interest. Short and long fiction are considered one genre. Screen, TV, and web series are considered one genre. Applicants who intend to focus on translation should submit translated material in any of the above genres and a sample of their own original creative writing. Consult the School of Creative Writing website or email for more information.
The deadline for receiving manuscripts for both MFA programs is in January, whether this be for the following July entrance date for students in the optional residency online stream, or for the following September entrance date for students in the on-campus stream. Late manuscripts will not be considered. Length of the manuscripts accompanying the application depends on choice of genres. Guidelines are available from Creative Writing.
Program Requirements
During the two years of the program, 36 credits of coursework must be completed1, including an overall minimum of 24 credits at the graduate level and a 6-credit thesis. The School of Creative Writing consists of work in three genres, chosen in consultation with the Graduate Advisor, as described in the program handbook on the Creative Writing website.
The thesis consisting of a full-length work in the area(s) of their special interest will be completed in the second year. The thesis may be a substantial revision and extension of work done during the first year. A work of translation may be used to fulfill the thesis requirement by students with the required ability and linguistic knowledge.
Students may be required to take advanced creative writing undergraduate courses as part of their programs.
1A maximum of 6 credits is permitted from CRWR_V 420, CRWR_V 521
Contact Information
School of Creative Writing
Buchanan E462, 1866 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604.822.0699
Fax: 604.822.3616
Alexandra Tsardidis, Graduate Support