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Haida Gwaii Semesters

The UBC Haida Gwaii Institute, located within the UBC Faculty of Forestry, offers four “semesters” on Haida Gwaii, each comprised of five 3-credit courses. The Haida Gwaii “Semesters” are intensive, experiential learning programs that provide undergraduate students with a unique and wide range of field and community opportunities during the course of their studies. The courses offered in Term 1 of the Winter Session (September through December) focus on the natural science aspects of natural resource management (HGSE_V 355, 356, 357, 358, and 359), reconciliation (HGSE_V 310, 311, 312, 313, and 314), and community resilience (HGSE_V 370, 371, 372, 373 and 374); the courses offered in TERM 2 of the Winter Session (January through April) focus on the social aspects of natural resource management (HGSE_V 350, 351, 352, 353, and 354), marine conservation (HGSE_V 360, 361, 362, 363 and 364), and social-ecological change (HGSE_V 380, 381, 382, 383 and 384).

The UBC Haida Gwaii Institute also offers courses during Term 1 of the Summer Session These courses are organized into two sequential blocks comprised of 6-credits each. The May block focuses on Social-Ecological Systems (HGSE_V 320A and 320B), while the June block focuses on Plants, People, and Place (HGSE_V 320C and 320D). Both sessions are organized as special topics to account for slight variations in year-to-year offerings.

More details on the Haida Gwaii Semesters and their respective courses are available on the Faculty of Forestry website.

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