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Women+ and Children’s Health Sciences

Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc.


Professor Emeritus

A. Eddy.


J. Bettinger, M. Bedaiwy, L. Brotto, M. Brussoni, B. Carleton, G. Cundiff, S. Dell, A. Devlin, R. Goldman, R. Grunau, D. Huntsman, P. Janssen, K.S. Joseph, T. Kissoon, J. Kwon, P. C. K. Leung, D. Matsell, J. McAlpine, S. Miller, D. Money, W. Norman, T. Oberlander, G. Ogilvie, I. Pike, W. Robinson, S. Sanatani, K. Schultz, L. Sly, T. Steiner, S. Stockler, G. Stuart, S. Turvey, B. Vallance, B. Verchere, D. Wright.

Associate Professors

H. Bayramour Basmenj, A. Beristain, T. Blydt-Hansen, K. Brown, Q. Doan, R. Elango, R. Geoffrion, G. Hanley, K. Harris, J. Hutcheon, Y. Lamers, J . Lim, S. Lisonkova, C. Maxwell, G. Meckler, A. Rauscher, G. Reid, M. Sadarangani, J. Zwicker, P. Yong.

Assistant Professors

M. Anglesio, K. Bouchard, T. Cohen, C. Loucks, G. Lunken, M. Ranger, L. Schummers, A. Talhouk, M. Tamber, M. Vidler, C. Voss.

Program Overview

The goal of the graduate program in Women+ and Children’s Health Sciences is to provide students with a broad knowledge of research in women+ and children’s health sciences including biomedical, clinical, health services, and populations. Students will develop critical thinking skills to independently design, execute, and evaluate research experiments directly related to women+ and children’s health sciences. Core concepts will include biomedical, patient- and public-oriented translational research with consideration of social determinants of health and cultural competence, including sex and gender and indigenous health, and research methodologies. In addition, students will develop in depth expertise in at least one of the following areas of research that represent existing areas of faculty expertise within our departments:

  • Acute or chronic diseases
  • Brain development and function
  • Implementation science
  • Developmental origins of health and disease
  • Placental, embryonic, foetal, perinatal, infant, child and/or youth: Development, physiology, and/or pathophysiology
  • Reproductive biology
  • Reproductive or childhood cancers
  • Epidemiology specific to women+ or children
  • Mental health specific to women+ or children
  • Health services specific to women+ or children

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Successful applicants must meet UBC’s graduate-level admission requirements, including the English Language Proficiency Requirements.

Part-time Doctoral Classification is also available. Students who wish to be classified as part-time must obtain approval from their proposed supervisor and graduate program advisor as part of the admission process.

Program Requirements

  • Candidates are required to successfully defend a Ph.D. dissertation WACH_V 649 (0).
  • A total of 12 credits are required to graduate from this program.
  • Mandatory courses are WACH_V 502 (3) and one of: WACH_V 511 (3), WACH_V 521 (3), or WACH_V 531 (3).
  • Elective courses include WACH_V 501 (3), WACH_V 503 (3), WACH_V 504 (3), WACH_V 505 (3), WACH_V 506 (3), WACH_V 511 (3), WACH_V 512 (3), WACH_V 513 (3), WACH_V 514 (3), WACH_V 521 (3), WACH_V 522 (3), WACH_V 531 (3), WACH_V 532 (3), WACH_V 533 (3), and WACH_V 548 (1.5-6), or others selected in consultation with the student’s supervisor/supervisory committee and program director.
  • WACH M.Sc. graduates, who subsequently enroll in the Ph.D. program, are required to register in WACH_V 502 only.
  • Students entering the program with an M.Sc. must take WACH_V 501 and WACH_V 502 but can apply to the program to have other course requirements waived.
  • Students are required to complete coursework and pass a comprehensive examination to advance to candidacy within 36 months of registering in the program.
  • Prior to graduation and in consultation with their research supervisors, students can choose one of the following research streams: Women+ Health, Child health, or Reproductive and Developmental Sciences (RDS). This stream will appear on the student’s transcript, but not on their parchment.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in optional career development activities including developing an individual development plan (IDP), completing a competency passport (ComPass), and participating in a mentorship program.

Students’ academic program must be approved by the supervisory committee and the program director.

The expected time to completion is 5 years.

Master of Science

Admission Requirements

Successful applicants must meet UBC’s graduate-level admission requirements, including the English Language Proficiency Requirements.

Program Requirements

  • Students are required to successfully defend an M.Sc. thesis WACH_V 549 (18).
  • A total of 30 credits are required to graduate from this program.
  • Students are required to take 12 credits of coursework.
  • Mandatory courses are WACH_V 502 (3) and one of: WACH_V 511 (3), WACH_V 521 (3), or WACH_V 531 (3).
  • Elective courses include WACH_V 501 (3), WACH_V 503 (3), WACH_V 504 (3), WACH_V 505 (3), WACH_V 506 (3), WACH_V 511 (3), WACH_V 512 (3), WACH_V 513 (3), WACH_V 514 (3), WACH_V 521 (3), WACH_V 522 (3), WACH_V 531 (3), WACH_V 532 (3), WACH_V 533 (3), and WACH_V 548 (1.5-6), or others selected in consultation with the student’s supervisor/supervisory committee and program director.
  • Prior to graduation and in consultation with their research supervisors, students can choose one of the following research streams: Women+ Health, Child health, or Reproductive and Developmental Sciences (RDS). This stream will appear on the student’s transcript, but not on their parchment.
  • Students are encouraged to participate in optional career development activities including developing an individual development plan (IDP), completing a competency passport (ComPass), and participating in a mentorship program.

Students’ academic program must be approved by the supervisory committee and the program director.

The expected time to completion is 2 years.

Contact Information

Department of Pediatrics
Faculty of Medicine
Rm 2D19, 4480 Oak Street
BC Children’s Hospital
Vancouver, BC Canada V6H 3V4
Telephone: 604-875-3177
Fax Number: 604-875-2890
Website: here

Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology
Faculty of Medicine
Suite 930, 1125 Howe Street
Vancouver, BC Canada V6Z 2K8
Website: here


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