You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Second Degree Studies


Students with a recognized undergraduate degree, from UBC or elsewhere, may apply to pursue a Bachelor of Fine Arts as a second degree. Applications are evaluated in accordance with the requirements for Admission from Post-Secondary study; see Admission and Transfer. Note that applying for admission to the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program is a two-stage process requiring two separate applications, and no student who was unsuccessful in their application to the B.F.A. major will be admitted to the B.F.A. degree program.

Year Level

Students may be placed at any of Year 1, 2, or 3 standing upon admission. Students are advised to consult the Department or School upon admission.

Program of Study

Three UBC Faculty of Arts departments/programs offer B.F.A degree programs:

Students whose previous study was in a Fine Arts discipline should note that they may not complete a second degree in the same discipline. Students planning to take courses prerequisite to another degree or professional program should consult that program for admission requirements, and may wish to consider Unclassified studies.


Second-degree students must complete a minimum of 60 UBC credits; this number will be higher for those admitted to Year 1 or 2 standing. Credits to be completed at UBC must include no fewer than 48 upper-level credits, normally completed while registered in the Bachelor of Fine Arts degree program.

Abiding by the principles of the Pan-Canadian Protocol on the Transferability of University Credits, transfer credit may or may not be awarded; see Transfer and Exchange Credit. A limited number of credits completed through Unclassified Studies at UBC Vancouver, and any unused credits from a previous UBC Vancouver degree program, may be eligible to be applied toward the second degree.

Students will be advised of their credit requirements upon admission and the evaluation of their record of prior study by Arts Advising.

Degree Requirements

Second degree students must fulfill normal B.F.A. degree requirements, with the exception of the Outside Requirement. However, courses completed through prior study may exempt the student from some degree requirements or modify the number of required credits. This may also be true for program requirements, particularly those at the lower level.

To satisfy the Arts Credit Minimum Requirement, no fewer than 36 credits must be taken in subject areas identified in the UBC Calendar course descriptions as being offered by the Faculty of Arts; this number will be higher for those admitted to Year 1 or 2 standing.

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