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Combined Major in Science

The Combined Major in Science (CMS) is a structured curriculum that provides breadth by offering foundational packages in three discipline areas of science as well as an introduction in a fourth discipline. Lab and field experiences will promote experiential learning, providing students the opportunity to understand how research is done and application of the scientific method. A statistics requirement will give students an understanding of basic statistics and statistical modelling. A computing requirement will provide students with a basic ability in computation and data manipulation as well as develop problem-solving skills using computers. SCIE_V 300 (Communicating Science) will help students develop skills in critical evaluation and communication of scientific issues.

All degree requirements must be fulfilled in accordance with Faculty of Science requirements. Students may, with the approval of the Science Advising, undertake an optional minor program in Arts, Commerce, Kinesiology, or Land and Food Systems in conjunction with the Combined Major in Science. See Minor Options. Combined Major in Science students are not eligible to pursue other types of specializations.

Courses selected must be acceptable for major or honours programs in the specific areas of concentration packages. At most, a total of 6 credits of directed studies and 6 credits of student directed seminar courses (3 credits as a participant and 3 credits as a leader) may be counted toward a Combined Major in Science degree, but they may not be counted as part of a package or other CMS specialization requirements. More information is available at the Combined Major in Science Advising website.

Cooperative Education

This option integrates academic study and supervised work experience. Enrolment is limited. Second-year standing in the Combined Major in Science is prerequisite for admission. Detailed information is available from the Co-operative Education Program Office, Room 270, Chemistry/Physics Building, University of British Columbia, 6221 University Boulevard, Vancouver, BC. Information is also available through the Co-op website.


Combined Major (3096): Science


First Year1Credits
MATH_V 100 (or 102, 104, 120, 180, 184)23
MATH_V 101 (or 103, 105, 121)3
Prerequisites for CMS Packages2,3,4,5,610-18
SCIE_V 1133
Arts Elective3
Total Credits30
Second Year 
STAT_V 20083
Prerequisites for CMS Packages5,66-19
Arts Electives6
Computing Requirement93
Total Credits30
Third and Fourth Years 
SCIE_V 30063
First CMS Package59
Second CMS Package59
Third CMS Package59
Two of: BIOL_V 342, EOSC_V 442, PHYS_V 309, CHEM_V 3552-5
Total 3rd/4th Year Credits60
Credits for Degree120
1 SCIE_V 001 fulfills first-year science prerequisites for most CMS packages except for the Mathematical Sciences packages. Some Mathematical Sciences packages require CPSC_V 110 (or CPSC_V 103 and CPSC_V 107) and CPSC_V 121 as additional requirements.
2 MATH_V 110 may substitute for any of the specified differential calculus courses listed by decreasing the electives by 3 credits. Taking any of MATH_V 120, MATH_V 121, MATH_V 180, or MATH_V 184 decreases the electives by 1 credit.
3 Students who do not have B.C. High School Chemistry 12 (or its equivalent) must write the UBC Chemistry Basic Skills Test and may be required to take CHEM_V 100.
4 Students take CHEM 111 if credit was not obtained for Chemistry 12 and 3 credits of 100-level PHYS_V (normally PHYS_V 100) if credit was not obtained for Physics 12.
5 CMS Packages are in five subject areas: Chemistry; Earth and Environmental Science; Life Science; Mathematical Sciences: Computer Science, Mathematics, and Statistics; and Physics & Astronomy. Students must complete courses in three of the five packages to fulfill specialization requirements (see below).
6 SCIE_V 300 taken in third year satisfies the Additional Communication Requirements. 
7 Elective credits together with required courses must fulfill the Faculty of Science’s:
a) Foundational Requirement;
b) Laboratory Science Requirement;
c) Science Breadth Requirement;
d) Science and Arts Requirements;
e) Upper-level Requirement;
f) General Degree Requirements.
8 STAT_V 200 can be replaced with STAT_V 241 or STAT_V 251 or BIOL_V 300.
9 Computing Requirement (can be taken in third or fourth year by substituting electives in second year) - select one of the following courses: CPSC_V 100, CPSC_V 103, CPSC_V 110, CPSC_V 301, EOSC_V 211, MATH_V 210, PHYS_V 210.

CMS Packages

Chemistry CMS Package

Prerequisites: CHEM_V 121 (CHEM_V 120 and 115) or CHEM_V 111 (CHEM_V 110 and 115); CHEM_V 123 (CHEM_V 130 and 135); one of CHEM_V 233/235, CHEM_V 203 (CHEM_V 223 and 225); and one of CHEM_V 205, 208, 211 (CHEM_V 210 and 215), 213.

Package courses:
CHEM_V 341
6 credits of CHEM_V courses numbered 300 or higher (except: CHEM_V 300, CHEM_V 448)

Earth and Environmental Science CMS Package

Prerequisites: One of CHEM_V 121 (CHEM_V 120 and 115) or CHEM_V 111 (CHEM_V 110 and 115) or CHEM_V 141; one of PHYS_V 101, PHYS_V 106, PHYS_V 107, PHYS_V 117, PHYS_V 131; and one of (a) EOSC_V 110 and EOSC_V 111 or (b) EOSC_V 112 and EOSC_V 111 or (c) one of ATSC_V 201, BIOL_V 111, BIOL_V 112, BIOL_V 121, GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 103 or GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 200

Package courses:
3 credits from EOSC_V 340, EOSC_V 345
3 credits from EOSC_V 326, EOSC_V 355, EOSC_V 372
3 credits from Earth and Environmental Science courses: ATSC_V, ENVR_V, GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) (except for GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407), EOSC_V (except for EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478)

Recommended courses: EOSC_V 325, 326, 330, 355, 372, 373 or GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 300

Life Science CMS Package

Prerequisites: BIOL_V 112, BIOL_V 121, BIOL_V 140 or BIOL_V 180, BIOL_V 200, (BIOL_V 201 or BIOC_V 202 recommended); one of CHEM_V 121 (CHEM_V 120 and 115) or CHEM_V 111 (CHEM_V 110 and 115); CHEM_V 123 (CHEM_V 130 and 135). Additional specific prerequisites are needed for some choices of upper-level courses.

Package courses: 9 credits of Life Science courses numbered 300 or higher: BIOC_V, BIOL_V (except BIOL_V 300, BIOL_V 344, BIOL_V 345, BIOL_V 346, and BIOL_V 448), CAPS_V, GEOS_V (or GEOB_V) 307, 407, MRNE_V, MEDG_V, MICB_V, PCTH_V, PSYC_V 360-371, PSYC_V 460-472, and EOSC_V 470, 474, 475, 478

Mathematical Science CMS Package

Select one of the following seven options:

1. Computer Science Option

Students interested in the Computer Science Option must apply to gain entry and should consult the Director of the Combined Major in Science.

Prerequisites: CPSC_V 110 (or CPSC_V 103 and CPSC_V 107), 121, 210

Package Courses: CPSC_V 221; 6 credits chosen from 300 and 400 level CPSC_V courses

Recommended: CPSC_V 302, 303, 304, 312, 314, 320, 322, 340, 402, 406, 420, 421, 422, 430, 445
Students choosing this package may need additional upper-level science credits to meet the requirement for a minimum of 30 upper-level science credits.

2. Mathematics Option

Prerequisites: MATH_V 200, 221, (MATH_V 215 recommended)

Package Courses: 9 credits chosen from 300- and 400-level MATH_V

Highly Recommended: MATH_V 302, 307, 317, 340, 360

Recommended: MATH_V 303, 316, 345, 360, 361, 441, 442

3. Statistics Option

Prerequisites: One of MATH_V 152, MATH_V 221, MATH_V 223 and one of STAT_V 200, STAT_V 241, STAT_V 251, BIOL_V 300 and one of MATH_V 200, MATH_V 226

Package Courses: STAT_V 300; STAT_V 302 or MATH_V 302; 3 credits from STAT_V 306, 344

4. Interface A Option

Prerequisites: CPSC_V 110 (or CPSC_V 103 and CPSC_V 107), MATH_V 200, 221

Package Courses: 6 credits of: MATH_V/STAT_V 302, MATH_V 303, STAT_V 305; 3 credits of CPSC_V 302, CPSC_V 303

5. Interface B Option

Prerequisites: MATH_V 200, 221

Package Courses: MATH_V/STAT_V 302, MATH_V 303, STAT_V 305

6. Interface C Option

Prerequisites: CPSC_V 110 (or CPSC_V 103 and CPSC_V 107), 121, 210, 221, MATH_V 200, 221

Package Courses: CPSC_V 340, STAT_V 306, STAT_V 406

7. Interface D Option

Prerequisites: CPSC_V 110 (or CPSC_V 103 and CPSC_V 107), MATH_V 200, 221

Package Courses: CPSC_V 302, CPSC_V 402, MATH_V 307

Physics and Astronomy CMS Package

1. Physics Option

Prerequisites: MATH_V 200; PHYS_V 117 (or PHYS_V 101 or PHYS_V 106 or PHYS_V 107 or PHYS_V 131); PHYS_V 118 (or PHYS_V 108); PHYS_V 119; PHYS_V 200. PHYS_V 219, 229 and MATH_V 215 recommended

Package Courses: 3 credits of PHYS_V numbered 300 or higher (except: PHYS_V 348) and 6 credits PHYS_V or ASTR_V courses numbered 300 or higher (except: PHYS_V 348).

Recommended Courses: PHYS_V 301, 304, 305, 309, 312, 314, 315, 318, 319, 330, 333, 404, 405, 420

2. Astronomy Option

Prerequisites: (MATH_V 200, MATH_V 317) or MATH_V 217; MATH_V 215; PHYS_V 117 (or PHYS_V 101 or PHYS_V 106 or PHYS_V 107 or PHYS_V 131); PHYS_V 118 (or PHYS_V 108); PHYS_V 200; PHYS_V 203; PHYS_V 216. PHYS_V 210, ASTR_V 200, and ASTR_V 205 recommended

Package Courses: 6 credits from ASTR_V 300, 333, 403, 406, 407 and 3 credits of PHYS_V numbered 300 or higher

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