You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


This course of instruction is limited to those students wishing to pursue a career in either performance or production of opera. A successful audition and interview with the director of Opera prior to enrolment in coursework is required of all prospective Opera majors.

  • First Year. Vocal development, musicianship, and tone production are emphasized. Stress is laid on vocal materials best suited to the student's individual requirements and development. Exploration of operatic styles is begun.
  • Second Year. Technical and interpretive vocal studies are continued. Further exploration of styles in both song and operatic literature is stressed.
  • Third Year. Considerable vocal development is expected. Production and performance of operatic scenes or complete operas become a part of the student's curriculum. Emphasis on good singing techniques is continued. An increasing number of operatic arias is required as part of the student's vocal repertoire. Styles continue to be stressed. Practical work in movement and acting for the lyric stage is introduced.
  • Fourth Year. Continued emphasis on vocal techniques especially on the vocal-dramatic techniques of operatic vocal literature. Operatic acting skills are further developed. Considerable understanding of representative operatic styles is expected. Performance and production of scenes or complete operas continue.

Program requirements for the Bachelor of Music in Opera include:
Core B.Mus. Requirements in Music History, Musicianship, Music Theory, and Music Technology (34 credits)
For specific requirements, see Bachelor of Music, Degree Requirements.
Music Performance (20 credits) 
MUSC_V 1924
MUSC_V 2924
MUSC_V 3936
MUSC_V 4936
Secondary Performance (4 credits) 
MUSC_V 141 or 171A2
MUSC_V 241 or 271A2
Secondary-level lessons in piano, if needed; see Minimum Requirements in Piano.
Ensembles (6-8 credits) 
Large ensemble3-4
Large ensemble3-4
Additional Requirements (50 credits) 
MUSC_V 1352
MUSC_V 1702
MUSC_V 2352
MUSC_V 3364
MUSC_V 3396
MUSC_V 4364
MUSC_V 4396
MUSC_V 4543
MUSC_V 4553
Language requirement: 6 credits each of Italian, French, and German. With approval of the voice division coordinator, students may concentrate on one or two of these languages, or may substitute other languages.
Music Elective 
Music elective3
Other Course Requirements 
Writing Requirement (WRDS_V 150 or ENGL_V 100)3
Literature Requirement3

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