You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements

To qualify for the Bachelor of Kinesiology, students must:

  1. satisfy all the program requirements by completing studies whether at UBC or elsewhere;
  2. satisfy at least 50% of the credits for the program while registered in the program1;
  3. complete a minimum of 36 upper-level credits in KIN_V;
  4. complete 48 upper-level credits1; and
  5. complete 120 credits.

1Courses taken while studying at another institution on a Senate-approved exchange program satisfy this requirement.

Lower-level Requirements

  • WRDS_V 150
  • 100-level Kinesiology Core: KIN_V 110, 120, 131, 132, 150, 160
  • 200-level Kinesiology Core: KIN_V 205, 206, 211, 216, 232, 235, 262
  • Electives

Upper-level Requirements

The specific upper-level requirements for each stream (Neuromechanical and Physiological Sciences, Social and Behavioural Sciences, or Multi-disciplinary Science) differ, but generally include:

a. Upper-level KIN_V stream requirement courses
b. Upper-level KIN_V electives
c. General Electives (either KIN_V or non-KIN_V courses)

Writing Requirement

All Bachelor of Kinesiology students must complete WRDS_V 150 (or an approved equivalent in consultation with the Undergraduate Advising Centre).

Part-Time Study

As there are only a small number of KIN_V courses offered in the evenings and during Summer Session, students will experience difficulty in completing a Bachelor of Kinesiology on a part-time basis. Students interested in part-time study should discuss their proposed studies with the Undergraduate Advising Centre.


KIN_V courses at the 100-level are generally considered prerequisite to 200-level courses, and 200-level courses are generally prerequisite to 300-/400-level courses. 300-/400- level courses may be taken in any sequence unless otherwise specified. Many KIN_V courses have specific course prerequisites that must be completed prior to the selected course. Students are responsible for effectively planning their degree to ensure that they meet prerequisite requirements for their courses at each year level.

Second Degree Requirements

Students with a recognized undergraduate degree may apply to pursue a Bachelor of Kinesiology as a second degree. To earn a second degree, students must complete the kinesiology core and stream requirements. This means that students must complete 39 lower-level Kinesiology credits, 36 upper-level Kinesiology credits, and at least 48 upper-level credits in total. These requirements can be met through a combination of first- and second-degree credits. Students, however, must complete a minimum of 60 new credits while registered in the B.Kin. program. More may be required if the BKIN requirements were not completed as part of the first-degree.


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