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Science and Technology Studies

Degrees Offered: M.A.; STS is also a Research Stream in participating degree programs.



T. Barnes, P. Bartha, J. Beatty, S. Berryman, A. Frank, H. Gusterson, K. Johnston, T. Kemple, A. Kojevnikov, A. Macfarlane, C. Mole, R. Mawani, V. Nardizzi, G. Oberg, K. Philip, M.V. Ramana, A. Richardson, M. Schabas, E. Thompson, H. Tworek, J. Wang, G. Winthrop-Young, A. Wylie.

Professor Emeritus

D. Danielson, M. Fee, D. Newell, J. Segal.

Associate Professor

S. Anger, L. Bergmann, K. Bowers, R. Brain, C. Callison, J. Christopoulos, A. Dick, I. Hill, I. Iurascu, T. Smith, D. Steel, C. Stephens.

Assistant Professor

M.R. Arefin, A. Karimi.

Program Overview

The Graduate Program in Science and Technology Studies offers opportunities for advanced research and study of scientific work and thought from a variety of perspectives associated with the humanities and social sciences. Associated Ph.D. and M.A. degrees appear as a research stream under the individual graduate programs in English, History, Philosophy, and Sociology, for example, “History—Science and Technology Studies”.

The M.A. degree program in Science and Technology Studies offers graduate students firm grounding in the fundamental concepts, research methods, and discourses of STS, including disciplinary and theoretical perspectives on the question of scientific objectivity and methodology; sites of knowledge production; the development of scientific knowledge and technological practices; the uses of knowledge in policymaking and other social contexts; the political and social roles of scientists, engineers, and other experts; science, technology, and ethics; science, technology, and aesthetic representation; public perceptions of science and technology; the rhetoric of science; and critical analysis of interactions between science and technology and the broader literary and media cultures in which they are embedded.

Doctoral Research Streams in Science and Technology Studies are available in English, History, Philosophy, and Sociology graduate programs. For details, please see description under these graduate programs.

Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

Students admitted to the M.A. Program normally possess a degree that is academically equivalent to a UBC 4-year Bachelor degree, with a minimum B+ average in third- and fourth-year-level coursework, or at least 12 credits of third- or fourth-year courses in the A- grade range (at UBC 80% or higher). Acceptance into the Program is dependent upon meeting the general admissions requirements of the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies and acceptance by the Program's Graduate Advisory Committee.

Program Requirements

Students accepted into the M.A. Program are expected to complete the program in two years. The program of study will include 18 credits of coursework and a 12 credit research thesis under the supervision of a faculty member.

In addition to coursework, students will demonstrate their ability to contribute original research to the field through thesis requirements. A student's overall program of study is decided upon by the student, in consultation with and subject to the approval of his or her research supervisor, and with the approval of the Program's Graduate Advisory Committee.

Contact Information

Science and Technology Studies Graduate Program
1866 Main Mall - E370
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604.822.8837
Tim Son, Graduate Program Administrator

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