T. Cheek, C. Crowston, B. Effros, E. Glassheim, A. Kojevnikov, T. Loo, T. Myers, P. Raibmon, J. Roosa, C. Thrush, J. Wang.
Associate Professor
C. Booker, R. Brain, B. Bryce, J. Byrne, J. Christopoulos, J. Dixon, M. Ducharme, J. Hanser, L. Ishiguro, S. Lee, R. Menkis, B. Miller, D. Morton, A. Murphy, L. Paris, H. Safieddine, L. Shin, H. Tworek, C. Webster, H. Yu.
Assistant Professor
A. Hall, K. McCormick, S. Yin.
Program Overview
The Department of History offers Ph.D. and M.A. programs, each requiring a dissertation/thesis, in the fields of Asian, Canadian, First Nations, British and European (early modern and modern), U.S., Latin American, and Environmental History and in the History of Science.
In addition to defining fields regionally, the Department emphasizes thematic, interdisciplinary, and transnational approaches to the study of the past. The following thematic research clusters highlight the interests and expertise of departmental members:
- History of Science, Technology, and Medicine
- Global History, Maritime History, and the History of Empire
- First Nations, Aboriginal, and Indigenous History
- Environmental History
- Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism
- Religion
- Gender, Sexuality, and the Body
- International Relations
- Culture/Power/History
- Children and Youth
- Migration, Borderlands, and Transnational History
- Politics, Political Culture, and State Power
- Law and Society
- Communities
UBC library has extensive holdings that facilitate graduate research. Holdings include: government publications; state papers; newspapers; extensive collections of early modern European pamphlets and literature; and one of the leading research libraries for East Asian Studies in North America. The library also contains notable collections of books on the history of the American West, of Canada (one of the best in Canada, with large sections on BC and the Prairie West), international relations, Germany (the best in Canada), radical movements in Europe and North America, and medicine, science, and technology (Woodward Library).
For detailed information on the Ph.D. and M.A. programs, please visit the Department.
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission Requirements
Prerequisites for admission to the Ph.D. program include a master's degree (or equivalent) in History. In certain cases others may also be eligible to apply. Transfer from the M.A. to the Ph.D. program is permitted under Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies regulations. Consult the Department for details.
Program Requirements
The Ph.D. program consists of 9 credits of coursework in the first year of studies, made up of HIST_V 525 - Professional Development for Historians seminar in Winter Term 1, HIST_V 699 – Ph.D. Research Seminar (the writing seminar) in Winter Term 2, and a third course to be determined in consultation with the supervisor. This third course must be a Historiography or Professional Development seminar if one has not already been taken at the MA level (to be approved by graduate advisor). It also consists of comprehensive examinations in two fields, one based on area and period and the other thematic, a language requirement, and a dissertation proposal. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.
Master of Arts
Admission Requirements
Prerequisites for admission to the M.A. program include, but are not limited to, a four-year B.A. with History honours or History major. Consult the Department for details.
Program Requirements
The M.A. program consists of 18 credits of coursework and a 40-page thesis.
Emphasis in Science and Technology Studies for Doctoral and Masters Students
Both the Ph.D. and M.A. in History offer students an opportunity to focus a portion of their studies towards an emphasis in Science and Technology Studies (STS). The STS emphasis offers opportunities for advanced research and study of scientific work and thought from a variety of perspectives associated with the humanities and social sciences. Students in the STS emphasis are required to take STS_V 501 (3), STS_V 502 (3), and STS_V 597 (M.A.) or STS_V 598 (Ph.D.).
For more information on the STS emphasis, please see the STS Webpage.
Contact Information
Department of History
1297-1873 East Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z1
Tel: 604.822.2099
Fax: 604.822.6658