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Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy

Degrees Offered: M.A., M.Ed., M.M.Ed., Ph.D.

Program Overview

The Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy is one of four departments in the Faculty of Education. It offers M.Ed. and M.A. courses in specialized areas of art education, business education, curriculum studies, home economics education, mathematics education, museum education, music education, physical education, science education, social studies education, and technology studies education. It also offers a Master of Museum Education (MMEd).

The Department offers a Ph.D. in Curriculum Studies with a focus on the Department's areas of specialization.

The Department also offers an M.Ed. in Curriculum and Leadership.

Master's programs can be completed through part-time or full-time study. Both the M.Ed. and M.A. programs consist of at least 30 credits of coursework at the 300-level or above, with at least 24 credits of coursework selected from courses numbered 500 or above. In addition, the M.Ed. program may include a graduating project (3 credits). The M.A. programs include completion of a thesis (9 credits).

The Department's graduate programs offer opportunities for students to specialize in art, home economics, mathematics, music, physical education, social studies, science, and technology. As well, students may develop interdisciplinary programs in curriculum theory and design; teacher education; complexity science and education; digital media and learning technologies; scholarship of curriculum and pedagogy in higher education; studies in historical consciousness; museum and visitor education; and health, nutrition and sustainability education.

Applicants to master's programs are normally required to have two years of teaching experience. All applicants must submit with their applications a statement of intent clearly outlining their areas of interest and focus for study. Doctoral applicants are required to submit a sample of their writing.

Contact Information

Department of Curriculum and Pedagogy
Faculty of Education
2125 Main Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4
Ms. Basia Zurek, Graduate Programs Assistant
Tel: 604.822.5367
Fax: 604.822.4714

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