You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.


Readmission to Bachelor of Fine Arts programs is not guaranteed; students should consult the relevant Fine Arts department. If readmission to the B.F.A. program is denied, students may apply for readmission to the Faculty of Arts in the Bachelor of Arts degree program.

Readmission after Academic Leave or Voluntary Withdrawal from Studies

Students who voluntarily left their UBC studies (without being required to do so) may apply for readmission to the same or a different degree program through Enrolment Services. However, B.F.A. students, in particular those in cohort-based programs, should be aware that it may not be possible for them to re-enter their program upon their return; students are strongly advised to consult their Departmental Advisor prior to taking a Leave. See Academic Leave.

Readmission after a Failed Year, Required to Withdraw

Students required to withdraw from the Faculty of Arts must sit out for one full academic year, including the following Winter Session and the subsequent Summer Session. All B.F.A. students may apply for readmission to either the B.F.A. or B.A. degree program; however, no student required to withdraw has a right to readmission. Students are encouraged to consult the Arts Undergraduates website and to meet with both an Arts Advisor and the Departmental Advisor for their Fine Arts program.

Students who completed 53 or fewer Arts-eligible credits prior to being required to withdraw can qualify for readmission by completing 21 university-transferable credits at a college or similar institution and attaining an overall GPA of 3.01, or 73%, on these credits. Note that there is no time limit to complete these credits; students may choose to study part-time at college and complete the required number of credits over several terms. Students are advised to adjust their college registration load to a level that will promote their chances of academic success.


1If, in any Session, the competitive admission GPA is set below 3.0, the required readmission GPA will also be lowered for that Session. Students must attain either 3.0 or the competitive admission GPA for the Session to which they apply, whichever is lower.

Students who completed 54 or more Arts-eligible credits prior to being required to withdraw are not required to complete transferable credits, but must sit out for one full academic year.

During their year away, or at any later time, students may submit an application for readmission to the B.F.A. degree program to Enrolment Services. Normal deadlines apply. However, B.F.A. students, in particular those in cohort-based programs, should be aware that it may not be possible for them to re-enter their program upon their return; students are strongly advised to consult their Departmental Advisor.

Appealing for Readmission after a second Failed Year, Required to Withdraw

Students who have more than one failed year in the Faculty of Arts are required to qualify and apply for readmission, as above. They must also submit an appeal letter, which should include a thoughtful analysis of the reasons for their academic struggles, documentation of action taken to rectify issues that interfered with academic progress, and a strong, considered and viable academic success plan. See the Arts Undergraduates website.

Applications for readmission will be adjudicated by the Arts Readmissions Appeals Committee, in consultation with the relevant B.F.A. department. In considering the appeal, the Committee will take into account any and all evidence of a student's ability to perform satisfactorily at a university level. If the student is not readmitted to the B.F.A. degree program, they will be considered for readmission to the Faculty of Arts in the B.A. degree program.

As part of their preparation to return to UBC and as a demonstration of their renewed ability to succeed at the post-secondary level, students not required to complete credits prior to application may choose to take courses at a college or similar institution, even though some or all of the credits so earned may not be transferable to the degree.

Admission to the Bachelor of Fine Arts after a Failed Year in another Faculty

Students who received failed year standing from another UBC Faculty may apply to re-enter UBC in the Bachelor of Fine Arts program. However, in order to be considered for admission, they must first complete 30 university-transferrable credits at a college or similar institution and attain the Faculty of Arts’ competitive entrance average on those credits. Note that there is no time limit to complete these credits; students may choose to study part-time at college and complete the required number of credits over several terms. Students are advised to adjust their college registration load to a level that will promote their chances of academic success. Applications must be submitted to Enrolment Services by the deadline. See Readmission.

For admission requirements and deadlines for each B.F.A. major, see the department’s Calendar entry or website. Note that students must complete a portfolio or an audition and provide additional information to the department for their consideration, as necessary. Students must meet the criteria of the department to be admitted to the B.F.A. major of their choice, but meeting the criteria does not in itself ensure admission to the B.F.A. major.

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