You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Academic Recognition, Promotion, and Continuation

Additional Period Honours

1) Dean's Scholar

Dean’s Scholar designation recognizes the highest level of academic achievement in the Faculty of Arts. 

In order to be considered for Dean’s Scholar/List, students must have completed a minimum of 27 credits in a Winter session. Students who achieve an average of 85% or higher on all registered credits will receive the notation “Dean’s Scholar” on their permanent record. 

2) Dean's List

Dean’s List designation recognizes exceptional academic achievement in the Faculty of Arts.

In order to be considered for Dean’s Scholar/List, students must have completed a minimum of 27 credits in a Winter session. Students who achieve an average of at least 80%, but less than 85% on all registered credits will receive the notation “Dean’s List” on their permanent record.

Scholarships and Awards

For information on scholarships and awards available to academically outstanding students, see Awards, scholarships and bursaries. See also Fees, Financial Assistance, and Scholarships.

Honours and Awards at Graduation

The designation “with Distinction” will be notated on the degree parchment for any student who has achieved an average between 80% and 84.9%, calculated on all attempted UBC academic courses numbered 300* or higher. The designation “with High Distinction” will be notated on the degree parchment for any student who has achieved an average of at least 85%, calculated on all attempted UBC academic courses numbered 300* or higher.

*For students enrolled in the Major, Honours, or Minor in Music who took MUSC_V course prior to the 2024 Winter Session, ensemble and composition courses with 100- or 200-level course numbers will count as 300- or 400-level courses, and hence as part of the upper-level average calculation, when taken in the third or fourth years.

Promotion Requirements

In order to progress from one year-level standing to the next, a student must successfully complete a sufficient total number of B.F.A.-eligible credits. These may include transfer credit as well as credit earned through exchange. Year-level standing impacts a student’s eligibility for specializations and courses, and is one of the factors considered when registration dates are set.

Promotion is evaluated annually upon completion of the Winter Session. Students who have successfully completed 27 credits are promoted to second year standing. Those who have completed 54 credits are promoted to third year standing, and those who have completed 84 credits are promoted to fourth year standing.

Continuation Requirements

Continuation, or a student’s eligibility to continue studying in their degree program, is evaluated annually upon completion of the Winter Session. Students are assigned a Sessional Standing based on the sessional average for the Winter Session, and are informed if there is any resulting change in their Program of Study Status for the upcoming Winter Session. B.F.A. students’ performance may also be reviewed annually by their program’s department to determine suitability to continue in their course of study. Those not permitted to continue in the B.F.A., but who earned a Sessional Average sufficient to permit continued registration in the Faculty of Arts, will be automatically transferred into the Bachelor of Arts program.

Continuation is evaluated as follows:

Winter Session AverageSessional StandingProgram of Study Status
55% or moreIn Good StandingIn Progress
54.9% to 50%On Academic Probation1In Progress
less than 50%Failed, Required to Withdraw2,3Dismissed

1 Students who attain a sessional average between 50% and 54.9% will be placed on Academic Probation. This will be noted on their academic record. Once a standing of “On Academic Probation” has been placed on a student’s academic record, the student’s Program of Study Status will remain “In Progress”, but they will be placed on a reduced maximum credit load for the following Winter and subsequent Summer Sessions, as follows:

Academic Probation StandingRegistrationWinter SessionSummer Session
Maximumcredit load per Session249
Maximumcredit load per Term 126 (Term 1); 3 (Term 2)

If, upon completion of continuation evaluation the following year, the student’s Winter Session sessional average again falls in the 50%-54.9% range, they will remain on Academic Probation. If their Winter Session sessional average rises to 55% or more, they will clear Academic Probation and regain Good Standing. There is no maximum number of instances of Academic Probation permitted; students may remain on Academic Probation for the duration of their studies, as long as their Winter Session average falls in the Academic Probation range.

2 Students who attain a sessional average of less than 50% in a Winter Session will be assigned a "Failed, Required to Withdraw" standing and their Program of Study Status will be "Dismissed".
3 For information on readmission after receiving “Failed, Required to Withdraw” standing, see Readmission.

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