Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.Sc.
M. Brauer, H. Davies, M. Koehoorn, A. Yassi.
Professor Emeritus
T. W. Anderson, M. L. Barer, K. Bartlett, P. Danielson, J. D. Forrester, S. Kennedy, S. A. Marion, R. G. Mathias, M. McDonald, R. E. Modrow, B. J. Morrison, G. Poole, S. B. Sheps; K. E. Teschke, D. H. Uyeno, C. van Netten.
Associate Professor
C. McLeod.
Program Overview
The graduate program in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene is offered by the School of Population and Public Health and is a complement to its graduate programs in Population and Public Health. The vision of the graduate program in Occupational and Environmental Hygiene is a world in which risks from occupational and environmental hazards are minimized by their recognition, evaluation, and control, to the benefit of workplace and community health and well-being.
Students interested in research or professional careers in any aspect of workplace or community environmental exposures and their impact on human health are encouraged to apply. The program's major research themes include acoustics, noise and vibration; exposure assessment; analytical methods development using immunological, biological, chemical and microsensor methods; occupational and environmental epidemiology; and risk assessment and translation of research to policy.
For additional information, see the School of Population and Public Health or SPPH.
Doctor of Philosophy
Admission Requirements
The Occupational and Environmental Hygiene doctoral program is no longer accepting applications for admission. Graduate study in occupational and environmental hygiene is available within the School of Population and Public Health. Interested parties should consult the existing SPPH Ph.D. program.
Program Requirements
Students with a master's degree in occupational or environmental sciences must complete a minimum of 9 credits of courses; those from other disciplines must complete a minimum of 18 credits of courses, including 9 credits selected from a list of specified core courses. Specific course requirements are determined by the student's supervisory committee in consultation with the student; additional courses may be necessary in support of the proposed dissertation research. As research is the cornerstone of any doctoral program, emphasis will be on courses that promote an understanding of research methodologies. In addition to standard coursework all doctoral students must participate in the School's research seminars throughout their doctoral program. All doctoral students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies requirements.
Master of Science
Admission Requirements
Applicants to the M.Sc. program are expected to meet the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies' Admission Requirements.
Program Requirements
Students in the M.Sc. program may choose to follow a project or thesis option. Because of the varied backgrounds of students, both options are relatively course-intensive and include specific non-credit requirements related to adult education in addition to regular coursework.
Students in the project option must complete 27 credits chosen from a list of specified core courses, a further 9 credits of approved electives, and a 6-credit project based on a four-month co-op placement (culminating in a comprehensive technical report and presentations) to make up a total of 42 credits of course and project work.
Students in the thesis option must complete 18 credits chosen from a list of specified core courses, a further 12 credits of approved electives, and a 12-credit research thesis (culminating in an oral examination) to make up a total of 42 credits of course and research work.
The minimum duration of the Program is 20 months.
Further details regarding required courses and non-credit activities are available from SPPH.
Contact Information
Ally Wang, Program Coordinator
School of Population and Public Health
2206 East Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z3
Tel: 604.822.9437