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Degrees Offered: Ph.D., M.A.



L. Alden, B. Bacon, A. S. Baron, J. Biesanz, F. Chen, K. Christoff, L. Clark, A. DeLongis, E. Dunn, J. T. Enns, S. Floresco, D. G. Hall, J. K. Hamlin, T. Handy, S. Heine, P. L. Hewitt, C. Hoppmann, A. Kingstone, D. Klonsky, K. Laurin, A. Mikami, A. Norenzayan, C. H. Rankin, V. Savalei, M. Schaller, T. Schmader, A. Shariff, K. Soma, J. Tracy, J. Werker, C. Winstanley, S. Woody.

Professor Emeritus

J. Campbell, S. Coren, K. Craig, D. G. Dutton, E. Eich, B. Gorzalka, P. Graf, A. R. Hakstian, R. D. Hare, C. Johnston, D.R. Lehman, W. Linden, D. L. Paulhus, J.P.J. Pinel, P. Suedfeld, R. C. Tees, L.J. Walker, L. M. Ward.

Associate Professor

S. A. J. Birch, L. Emberson, C. M. Kerns, J. LeMoult, D. Odic, D. Palombo, J. D. Rights, N. D. Silverberg, N. L. Sin, J. Snyder, R. Todd, J. Zhao.

Associate Professor Emeritus

R. Rensink.

Assistant Professor

K. R. Allen, S. J. Dawson, J. Flake, F. Goetz, H.Y. Im, E. S. Kim, J. Ongchoco, M. R. Shrout.

Program Overview

The Psychology Graduate Program offers advanced study leading to both the Master of Arts (M.A.) and Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) degrees in most major areas of the discipline, including: behavioral neuroscience, clinical psychology, cognitive science, developmental psychology, health psychology, personality and social psychology, and quantitative methods.

The clinical program is accredited by the Canadian Psychological Association.

Graduate education in the department follows an apprenticeship model in which students conduct research in close collaboration with a particular faculty member. Graduate study must be on a full-time basis. Students are typically assured of financial support (in the form of fellowships, teaching assistantships, and research assistantships) for two years at the master's level and four years at the doctoral level.

See the Department website for complete details regarding the various psychology programs.

Doctor of Philosophy

Admission Requirements

Admission to the Ph.D. program requires a master's degree and evidence of research competence. Areas of specialization include behavioral neuroscience, clinical psychology, cognitive science, developmental psychology, health psychology, personality and social psychology, and quantitative methods. A GRE test is required for some areas of specialization, please see the Psychology website for details.

Program Requirements

All doctoral students are required to successfully complete a comprehensive examination. The major requirement for the Ph.D. is completion of a research dissertation meeting as required by the Faculty of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies. Clinical students must develop an acceptable level of clinical skill and serve a one-year internship in an approved applied setting.

Master of Arts

Admission Requirements

Admission to the M.A. program is restricted to those who intend to continue on to the Ph.D program. Areas of specialization include behavioral neuroscience, clinical psychology, cognitive science, developmental psychology, health psychology, personality and social psychology, and quantitative methods. In addition, the Department offers an M.A. specialization in Human-Computer Interaction, in collaboration with the Media and Graphics Interdisciplinary Centre. A GRE test is required for some areas of specialization, please see the Psychology website for details.

Program Requirements

Program requirements include coursework and a research thesis. Students are expected to complete all program requirements within two years.

Contact Information

Department of Psychology
2136 West Mall
Vancouver, BC, Canada V6T 1Z4
Tel: 604.822.5002
Jackie Shaw, Manager, Graduate Program

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