You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Transition into UBC Degree Programs

Successful completion of the Vantage program meets the ELAS requirement for all direct-entry undergraduate programs, though each program may determine its own admission requirements.

The following rubrics apply to students enrolled in all required courses of a Vantage program. Progression rules may vary slightly for those who are enrolled in a Vantage Advising-approved reduced course load (e.g. students registered with the Centre for Accessibility, Varsity athletes). See Vantage Academic Advising for more information.

Vantage One Arts

UBC Vantage One Arts students who pass all courses with an average of at least 60% will be eligible for year two of the B.A. degree program.

Students who do not successfully complete the full UBC Vantage One Arts program or who achieve an average lower than 60% in the full program will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, where there is evidence of academic promise for study in Arts.

Program Average and Course SuccessProgram standingProgression status
60% or more overall average and successfully complete all coursesGood StandingProgression to year 2 of the BA program in the Faculty of Arts
Between 59.9% and 57% overall average OR 57% minimum and fail one courseAcademic probation (ACPR) OR Required to withdrawReviewed on a case-by-case basis; students may be granted promotion to year 2 of the BA program, continuation to year 1, or be required to withdraw if the single failed course is LLED_V 200
Less than 57% overall average AND / OR fail 2 or more coursesRequired to withdraw*Required to withdraw from UBC
*For more information on readmission after being required to withdraw, see Faculty of Arts Readmission.

Vantage One Engineering

The Faculty of Applied Science delivers engineering programs at both UBC campuses: Okanagan and Vancouver. The Faculty has reserved space for all UBC Vantage One Engineering students to be able to transition to a second-year program. Half of the reserved spaces are located on the Okanagan campus, and the other half are located at the Vancouver campus.

UBC Vantage One Engineering students who pass all courses with an average of at least 60% will be eligible for year two of the B.A.Sc. degree program.

Program selection is competitive, and all students will be asked to rank both their preferred campus and their eligible program1. Academic performance at the end of the Winter Session and a personal statement are considered in placing students into programs in second year.

Students who do not successfully complete the full UBC Vantage One Engineering program or who achieve an average lower than 60% in the full program can apply to be reviewed on a case-by-case basis for evidence of academic promise for continued study in Engineering at UBC.


Program Average and Course SuccessProgram StandingProgression Status
60% or more overall average and successfully complete all coursesGood StandingProgression to year 2 of the BASc in the Faculty Applied Science
60% or more overall average and 55% or more LLED* average with 1-2 failed courses.
55% -59.9% overall average and all courses successfully completed
Good standing
academic probation (ACPR)
Reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Students may be granted promotion to year 2 of the BASc,
granted continuation to year 1 of the BASc, and required to enroll in the English Foundation Program**
Less than 60% overall average and fail one or more courses
Fail or not complete 3 or more courses
Less than 55% overall average
Less than 55% average in LLED courses
Required to WithdrawRequired to Withdraw from UBC
*LLED average comprised of LLED_V 200 and LLED_V 201
**Applies only to students placed at UBC Okanagan. Students with this outcome must complete EAP 104 during Winter term 1 of first year in Faculty of Applied Science. Students will be subject to a credit restriction during Winter term 1. See English Foundation Program or visit academic advising for more information.

1Eligible programs include: Okanagan Campus: Civil, Electrical, Manufacturing, and Mechanical Engineering. Vancouver Campus: Biomedical, Chemical, Chemical and Biological, Civil, Computer, Electrical, Engineering Physics, Environmental, Geological, Integrated, Manufacturing, Materials, Mechanical, and Mining Engineering.

Upon successful completion of the UBC Vantage One Engineering program, students will be eligible for second year standing. Additional program requirements (humanities elective or APSC_V 181, depending on program) that are normally completed in first year will not have been met and must also be completed prior to graduation. Students transferring into the second year of the Biomedical Engineering program who have not completed all required first year BME courses may be required to complete additional first year course work during second year.

Vantage One Management

Admission to the Vantage One Management Program is suspended until further notice.

UBC Vantage One Management students who pass all courses with an average of at least 60% and who achieve at least 60% in WRDS_V 150 will be eligible for year two of the B.Mgt. degree program offered at UBC Okanagan.

Students who do not successfully complete the full UBC Vantage One Management program or who do not meet progression requirements for year 1 will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, where there is evidence of academic promise for study in Management. For more detailed information on the criteria used in these case-by-case decisions, please see

Vantage One Science

UBC Vantage One Science students who pass all courses with an average of at least 60% will be eligible for year two of the B.Sc. degree program.

Students who do not successfully complete the full UBC Vantage One Science program or who achieve an average lower than 60% in the full program will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, where there is evidence of academic promise for study in Science.


Program Average and Course SuccessProgram StandingProgression Status
Pass all courses 60% overall average or higher At least 55% average in LLEDGood standingPromotion to year 2 of the B.Sc. program
Fail or not complete 1 - 2 courses Between 50 - 59% overall average At least 55% average in LLED
Fail or not complete 3 courses 60% overall average or higher At least 55% average in LLED
No failed courses Overall average below 60% At least 55% average in LLED
Academic probation (ACPR)Reviewed on a case-by-case basis; students may be granted promotion to year 2 of the B.Sc. program or continuation in year 1 of the B.Sc. program
Fail or not complete 1 - 2 courses Overall average below 50%
Fail or not complete 3 or more courses Overall average below 60%
Required to discontinue (RDFA)Required to withdraw from UBC


UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.