You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements for students who enter the program in 2023/24 or earlier

All students who enter the Bachelor of International Economics degree program in 2023/24 or earlier must complete a minimum of 120 credits and the following requirements1:

  1. Core B.I.E. Degree Requirements
  2. Writing and Research Requirements
  3. Language Requirement
  4. Science Requirement
  5. Literature Requirement
  6. Outside Requirement
  7. Upper-Level Requirement
  8. Arts Credit Minimum Requirement

1See also Credit Requirements and Regulations.

1. Core B.I.E Degree Requirements

Year One 
ECON_V 101 and 1021, 2                                                                                                                                                   6
ECON_V 2273
COEC_V 2933
WRDS_V 1503
MATH_V 100 and 1016
Year Two 
ECON_V 315 and 316                                                                                                                  6
ECON_V 3093
ECON_V 327 and 3286
ECON_V 2553
ECON_V 3173
Year Three 
ECON_V 3703
COEC_V 371                                                                                                                         3
Year Four 
ECON_V 493, 494                                                                                                         6
Year Three and Four
3 courses selected from COEC_V 294, 365, 370, 377, 387, 437, 491, 497, 4983                                                                                                        9
3 courses selected from ECON_V 441, 442, 455, 456, COEC_V 475                                                              9
One ECON_V or COEC_V course at 400-level or approved equivalent                             3
Electives                           27
1 AP, A-Level or IB Economics cannot be substituted for these courses.
2 B.I.E. students are allowed a maximum of 27 credits of COEC_V courses towards the completion of their B.I.E. degree but cannot take any other credits in the Sauder School of Business. COEC_V courses that are equivalent to ECON_V courses are exempted from the 27 maximum.
3 By special permission only, students may substitute 9 credits from honours courses ECON_V 306 and 307 and econometrics course ECON_V 425 in place of 9 credits from COEC_V 294, 365, 370, 377, 437, 491, 497 and 498. Students given special permission to complete ECON_V 306, 307 and 425, which require an advanced mathematical foundation, are also required to complete two courses from MATH_V 200, 220, and 221. See the B.I.E. Advising Office.

2. Writing and Research Requirements

The Writing and Research requirement has two components:

Writing Component

In their first year of study, direct-entry BIE students are required to complete WRDS_V 150. Students transferring into the program should ensure that they have met the Writing Component via one of these courses no later than the end of their first Winter Session as a BIE student: Arts One, ASTU_V 100 or ASTU_V 101 (Coordinated Arts Program), ENGL_V 100, WRDS_V 150 or 350. This component must be satisfied prior to the student attaining Year 3 standing.

Students who do not satisfy the above requirement due to a lack of attempts may have their registration restricted until the Writing Component is complete. Students who fail the Writing Component twice will have their maximum registration credit load reduced until the requirement is successfully completed. See Continuation Requirements.

Research Component

In order to contribute to the development of knowledge in International Economics, students must also complete a research-intensive experience. BIE students will satisfy this requirement with ECON_V 494.

3. Language Requirement

For students who enter the program in 2023/24 or earlier, see Arts Degree Requirements.

4. Science Requirement

BIE students satisfy this requirement by completing MATH_V 100 and MATH_V 101 or equivalent.

5. Literature Requirement 

For students who enter the program in 2023/24 or earlier, see Arts Degree Requirements.

6. Outside Requirement 

Students must complete a minimum of 48 credits outside ECON and COEC. BIE students adding a Minor must complete a minimum of 24 credits outside ECON, COEC and the Minor fields of study.

 B.I.E OnlyAdding a Minor
Outside credits required:4824

7. Upper-Level Requirement

Students must complete a minimum 48 upper-level credits (courses numbered 300 and above). Note that the addition of a Minor does not increase the Upper-Level requirement.

8. Arts Credit Minimum Requirement

Arts Credit is defined by subject area. Credit completed in subject areas identified in the UBC Calendar course descriptions as being offered by the Faculty of Arts, as well as transfer credit in those subjects, is considered Arts Credit.

A minimum of 72 of the 120 credits required for the Bachelor of International Economics degree program must be Arts credit, except when the completion of the student’s specialization(s) requires more than 48 credits outside of Arts.

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