W. Cheung, Director
UBC's Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries researches options to secure healthy and sustainable marine and freshwater systems. The Institute is a world leader in aquatic ecosystem research. Its 16 faculty members are leaders in their disciplines, and together with their research staff and over 65 graduate students, they conduct research and publish in first-class journals recognized worldwide. Research units at the Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries include:
- the Centre for Indigenous Fisheries
- the Changing Ocean Research Unit
- the Climate and Coastal Ecosystem Lab
- Coastal Marine Ecology
- the Fisheries Economics Research Unit
- Global Fisheries Cluster
- Global Ocean Modelling
- the Hakai Coastal Initiative
- the Marine Mammal Research Unit
- Marine Virology and Microbiology
- OceanCanada Partnership
- Pelagic Ecosystems Lab
- Project Seahorse
- Sea Around Us
- Solving FCB (Food-Climate-Biodiversity Nexus)
- Statistical Ecology Research Group
- Stock Assessment and MSE Research Unit (SEARUN)
The Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries also houses members of the Aquatic Conservation Science Section of the BC Ministry of Water, Land and Resource Stewardship. The section conducts research on freshwater fisheries management, fish habitat restoration, fish forestry interactions, and fish culture techniques. An active focus on conservation biology supports BC’s goal of maintaining and enhancing the province’s fish and wildlife species and their habitats.