You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Resources, Environment and Sustainability

N. Ramankutty, Director

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K. M. A. Chan, B.Sc. (Tor.), M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton), Canada Research Chair in Rewilding & Social Ecological Transformation
S. E. Chang, B.S.E. (Princeton), M.S., Ph.D. (Cornell), joint appointment with School of Community and Regional Planning, Canada Research Chair in Disaster Management & Urban Sustainability
S. Donner, B.Sc. (McM.), MEM ( Duke), Ph.D. (McM.), joint appointment with Geography, Professor of Climate and coastal ecosystems, climate communication
L. Harris, B.A. (Calif., Berkeley), M.A., Ph.D. (Minn.), Professor of Political ecology, social justice, and development, joint appointment with Institute for Gender, Race and Social Justice
M. S. Johnson, B.Sc. (Virginia Tech.), M.Sc., Ph.D. (Cornell), Canada Research Chair in Ecohydrology, joint appointment with Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
M. Kandlikar, B.Tech (India), M.S. (Virginia Tech), Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon), Professor of Technology, Environment and Development, joint appointment with Liu Institute for Global Issues
C. Kremen, B.Sc. (Stanford), Ph.D. (Duke), Presidents Excellence Chair in Biodiversity joint appointment with Zoology
N. Ramankutty, B.E. (IIl.I.T.), M.S. (Ill.), Ph.D. (Wisc., Madison), Canada Research Chair in Food Security, joint appointment with Liu Institute
T. Satterfield, B.A. (Br.Col.), M.A., Ph.D. (UNAM), Professor of Culture, Risk and the Environment
H. Wittman, B.A. (Wash.), M.S., Ph.D. (Cornell), Professor of Rural and Environmental Sociology, joint appointment with Land and Food Systems
G. Öberg, B.Sc., Ph.D. (Linköpings), Professor, Sustainable Water Systems and Public Science

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Associate Professors

D. R. Boyd, B.Comm. (Alta.), J.D. (Tor.), Ph.D. (Br.Col.), Associate Professor of Law, Policy and Sustainability
J. Zhao, B.A., M.A. (Trinity (Dub.)), M.A., Ph.D. (Princeton), Canada Research Chair in Behavourial Sustainability, joint appointment with Psychology

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Assistant Professors

J. Gantois, B.Sc., M.Sc., (Ecole Polytechnique), M.P.A (Ldn.Econ.) Ph.D. (Columbia.), Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary Biodiversity Solutions Cluster, joint appointment with Land and Food Systems

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Faculty Associate Members

K. Bakker, Geography
J. Balkan, Department of Forest Resources Management
R. Barichello, Land and Food Systems
M. Brauer, School of Environmental Health
C. Callison, Journalism
W. Cheung, Institute for Oceans and Fisheries
V. Christensen, Institute for Oceans and Fisheries
P. Dauvergne, Liu Institute for Global issues
N. Ellis, Chemical and Biological Engineering
M. Evenden, Geography
K. Gaynor, Department of Zoology and Botany
S. Gulati, Land and Food Systems
S. Hagerman, Forestry
C. Harley, Zoology
K. Harrison, Political Science
M. Harrison, Pharmaceutical Sciences
G. Hoberg, Faculty of Forestry
K. Hopewell, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
S. Kahn, Faculty of Education
M. Koppes, Department of Geography
N. Kunz, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
P. LeBillon, Geography/Liu Institute for Global Issues
A. Macfarlane, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
M. Margulis, School of Public Policy and Global Affairs
M. Meitner, Forest Resources Management
C. Menzies, Department of Anthropology
M. Mitchell, Land and Food Systems
E. Pakhomov, Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences
D. Pauly, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
M.V. Ramana, Liu Institute for Global Issues
J. Rhemtulla, Faculty of Forestry
S. Smuckler, Land and Food Systems
D. Steel, School of Population and Public Health
R. Sumaila, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
A. Trites, Institute for Oceans and Fisheries/Zoology
A. Vincent, Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries
H. Zerriffi, Liu Institute for Global Issues


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