You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Withdrawal and Re-admission

A student who is assigned Failed Standing and is not permitted to continue will be required to withdraw from the University. See Advancement Regulations

Normally, the student will be required to withdraw immediately. However, a student registered in and attending one or more courses will be permitted to complete those courses only if the determination of Failed standing is made after the last date for withdrawal from courses without a 'W' being recorded on the transcript.

A student whose Winter or Summer Session is assigned Failed standing and who is required to withdraw may appeal in writing to the Faculty of Science Admissions, Adjudication, and Appeals Committee according to the instructions that will be emailed. A student who is required to withdraw may not register for or attend courses while awaiting the results of the appeal, except as noted above.

Students are restricted in the number of credits that may be attempted before completing the Communication Requirement, before gaining promotion to the next year level, and before qualifying for graduation. Students who fail to meet these requirements within the allotted credit limits will be required to withdraw. See the Bachelor of Science Communication Requirement, and Promotion Requirement and Degree Progression. Normally such a student will not be eligible for readmission, but an appeal can be submitted (see below).

A student who is required to withdraw may apply for readmission after one full year, but such a student does not have the right to automatic readmission.

The Faculty committee will expect students with a Failed standing who had successfully completed fewer than 60 science-eligible credits to demonstrate their abilities by earning at least 21 transferable credits at a recognized post-secondary institution and attaining an overall GPA of 3.01, calculated on all university-transfer work attempted after they leave UBC.

The Faculty may review these courses to ensure that they align with the requirements and expectations of the Faculty of Science. Factors that can help demonstrate your suitability and readiness to return to studies at UBC Science include: consistent academic performance and perseverance; progressive course sequencing with increasing rigour; and comparability to studies at UBC Science. Please consult with Science Advising on course selection. 

Students required to withdraw after completing more than 60 Science-eligible credits may choose to take courses, as above, at a college or similar institution, in order to demonstrate a renewed ability to achieve academic success, even though some or all of the credits so earned may not be transferable to the degree.

A student who had been required to withdraw from studies in Science and later successfully appealed for readmission will be subject to the academic standing rules applicable to students with Academic Probation standing.

A student in Good Standing may take an Academic Leave for one academic year and retain eligibility to register in the following academic session. Students who have interrupted their studies may find that requirements have changed since the period of their previous enrolment. Also, students should note that some required courses are offered on an alternate-year basis.

A student in good standing who leaves the program for more than one academic year and is interested in returning must apply for re-admission. 

In order to be re-admitted all students must meet the following requirements:

  1. The student must be eligible to continue their studies within the appropriate class standing. See Promotion Requirements and Degree Progression to ensure that the necessary requirements have been met before exceeding the credit limits noted which would require withdrawal;
  2. The student’s academic record must be competitive within the enrolment capacity of the intended program of study and specialization;
  3. The student must complete the degree within the normal seven-year time limit. See information about the seven-year time limit under General Academic Regulations. The Faculty reserves the right to require students who are successfully readmitted beyond this limit to retake courses or be restricted to taking specific courses.

Applications for re-admission should be submitted to the Undergraduate Admissions Office together with a letter of appeal which will be considered by the Science Admissions, Adjudication, and Appeals Committee. In considering an application for readmission, the Committee will take into account any and all evidence of a student's ability to perform satisfactorily at the university level. A written self-assessment, documentation of action taken to rectify personal issues that interfered with academic progress (if applicable), and a reasoned academic plan are among the items that will be reviewed.

A negative decision by the Faculty on an application for re-admission may be appealed to the Senate Admissions Committee. That Committee does not change decisions of the Faculty based on academic judgment, but may grant an appeal if due process was not followed by the Faculty. Thus, unless the appellant supplies additional information in support of special consideration, the appeal to Senate is unlikely to succeed.

1If, in a particular year, the minimum GPA for transfer applicants is less than 3.0, the lower GPA will apply.

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