You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements

The first week of the first year will include both scheduled coursework and a mandatory formal orientation program. This orientation will introduce students to the Faculty, its expectations for academic and professional conduct, and some of the skills required to succeed in the program.

(For students beginning their degree in September 2022 or prior)


Professional Year 1 (PY1) 
PHRM_V 10018
PHRM_V 11115
PHRM_V 1312
PHRM_V 1412
PHRM_V 1612
PHRM_V 17112
Total Credits41
Professional Year 2 (PY2) 
PHRM_V 21115
PHRM_V 21215
PHRM_V 2212
PHRM_V 2312
PHRM_V 2412
PHRM_V 2511
PHRM_V 2611
PHRM_V 2701
PHRM_V 27112
PHRM_V 27211
Total Credits42
Professional Year 3 (PY3) 
PHRM_V 31112
PHRM_V 31212
PHRM_V 3412
PHRM_V 3513
PHRM_V 3611
PHRM_V 37114
Total Credits43
Professional Year 4 (PY4) 
PHRM_V 4411
PHRM_V 47112
PHRM_V 47212
PHRM_V 47312
PHRM_V 4812
Total Credits39
Total Credits for the Program165
1 Completed in the summer after the prior academic term. All of the other required courses of the Professional Year must be passed before being permitted to take this course.
2 Of the 9 elective credits required in the program, all must be chosen from offerings within or approved by the Faculty. A minimum of 3 credits must be taken from PHAR_V/PHRM_V elective course offerings. Non-PHAR_V/PHRM_V courses may be taken for Credit/D/Fail standing if permitted by the Faculty offering the course. As scholars, pharmacy students take responsibility for excellence by learning continuously. Courses taken prior to entry to the program and repeat courses will not be credited toward elective requirements.


(For students beginning their degree in September 2023 and subsequent years)


Professional Year 1 (PY1) 
PHRM_V 10018
PHRM_V 11115
PHRM_V 1312
PHRM_V 1412
PHRM_V 161 2
PHRM_V 17112
Total Credits41
Professional Year 2 (PY2) 
PHRM_V 21115
PHRM_V 21215
PHRM_V 2212
PHRM_V 2312
PHRM_V 2412
PHRM_V 2511
PHRM_V 2521
PHRM_V 2611
PHRM_V 2701
PHRM_V 27112
PHRM_V 27211
Total Credits43
Professional Year 3 (PY3) 
PHRM_V 31112
PHRM_V 31212
PHRM_V 3412
PHRM_V 3513
PHRM_V 37114
Total Credits42
Professional Year 4 (PY4) 
PHRM_V 4411
PHRM_V 47112
PHRM_V 47212
PHRM_V 47312
PHRM_V 4812
Total Credits39
Total Credits for the Program165
1 Completed in the summer after the prior academic term. All of the other required courses of the Professional Year must be passed before being permitted to take this course.
2 Of the 9 elective credits required in the program, all must be chosen from offerings within or approved by the Faculty. A minimum of 3 credits must be taken from PHAR_V/PHRM_V elective course offerings. Non-PHAR_V/PHRM_V courses may be taken for Credit/D/Fail standing if permitted by the Faculty offering the course. As scholars, pharmacy students take responsibility for excellence by learning continuously. Courses taken prior to entry to the program and repeat courses will not be credited toward elective requirements.

Practicums and Additional Expenses

Practicums are scheduled at a variety of experiential education sites including, but not limited to, inpatient and outpatient pharmacy practice settings, governmental agencies and institutions, manufacturers in the pharmaceutical industry, academic institutions, and selected pharmacy organizations. Practicum sites are approved as affiliated teaching sites by the Faculty and are reviewed and coordinated by University-appointed personnel. Scheduling of practicums is dependent on both site and practice educator availability; therefore, placement preferences cannot be guaranteed. Students should expect to be placed at practicum sites anywhere throughout British Columbia and should include the travel and accommodation costs for all practicum experiences in estimating their total program-related expenses.

College Registration Requirement

Students must register with the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia by September 1 during their first year in the Faculty. Students must maintain registration with the College of Pharmacists of British Columbia while they are in the program. Proof of such registration will be a requirement for admission into both the Pharmacy Practice Centre and practicum courses.

Interprofessional Education

Students must meet the interprofessional education requirements of the program to progress to the next term’s courses, which include activities embedded in the program’s required courses. Students are also encouraged to take interprofessional elective courses (consult the Faculty-Approved Electives list, which is available to current students on the Program Information Hub on Canvas, for more information) and participate in extracurricular interprofessional activities.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.