Dean's Office
L. Raman-Wilms, Dean
T. Chang, Associate Dean, Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies
T. Charrois, Associate Dean, Practice Innovation
S. Jarvis-Selinger, Associate Dean, Academic
M. Pearson, Associate Dean, Students
C. Ross, Acting Associate Dean, Research
2405 Wesbrook Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z3
Pharmaceutical Sciences Website
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences offers courses leading to the Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Doctor of Pharmacy, Graduate Diploma in Pharmacy Leadership, Master of Science, and Doctor of Philosophy.
The Bachelor of Pharmaceutical Sciences prepares graduates for employment in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries; government affairs, relations and policy; regulatory affairs; industrial manufacturing; the personal care product and nutraceutical industries; health care and allied health care professions; and, transition to academic research. The Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy prepares graduates for contemporary and future pharmacy practice in healthcare settings such as community, primary care, ambulatory care, and hospital practice; and for industry, government, and other specialized fields. The Flexible Doctor of Pharmacy provides an opportunity for pharmacists with a bachelor's degree in Pharmacy to obtain a degree equivalent to the Entry-to-Practice Doctor of Pharmacy.
For information on graduate programs, see Pharmaceutical Sciences.
The Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences was established in 1946 and is housed in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Building, 2405 Wesbrook Mall.