You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements

English Requirements

To qualify for the B.S.N., all students must have a minimum of 3 credits in English. Exceptionally, this English prerequisite may be waived for students who have completed a bachelor's degree from an accredited university (where English was the main language of instruction during that degree).

Regulations and Requirements for students

Third & Fourth Year Courses

Term 1
NURS_V 3003
NURS_V 3303
NURS_V 3102
NURS_V 3212
NURS_V 3604
NURS_V 3523
Terms 2, 3, 4 
NURS_V 3532
NURS_V 3313
NURS_V 3543
NURS_V 3221
NURS_V 3513
NURS_V 3033
NURS_V 3442
NURS_V 3013
NURS_V 3232
NURS_V 3633
NURS_V 3653
NURS_V 3503
NURS_V 3623
NURS_V 3453
NURS_V 3463
NURS_V 4011
NURS_V 3663
NURS_V 3617
Term 5 
NURS_V 4302
NURS_V 4021
NURS_V 42710
Total Credits (Years 3 & 4)81
Total Program Credits129


The minimum passing grade for nursing theory courses is 60%. The minimum cumulative grade average to continue in the program is 65%.

Clinical nursing and laboratory courses are marked on a Pass/Fail basis. A clinical course must be passed in order to progress to a subsequent clinical course. A failure in a laboratory course may require withdrawal from a clinical course.

Supplemental examinations are not offered.

Students who do not achieve the minimum grade average for promotion or who fail a clinical course will normally be required to discontinue study in the School for at least one year.

Although satisfactory academic performance is a prerequisite to advancement, it is not the sole criterion in the consideration of the suitability of a student for promotion or graduation. The School reserves the right to require a student to withdraw from the School if considered to be unsuited to proceed with the study or practice of nursing.

Interprofessional Education

In order to graduate and to meet the British Columbia College of Nurses and Midwives (BCCNM) requirements for Interprofessional Practice competencies, and as required as B.S.N program approval from the regulatory body, students must complete the interprofessional education requirements of the program. Students are required to participate in and complete a minimum series of learning activities determined by the School of Nursing in collaboration with UBC Health, and offered as an integrated interprofessional curriculum. 

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