You are reading the 2025/26 Academic Calendar. The 2024/25 version remains in effect until August 31, 2025 and is available here.

Degree Requirements

Midwifery Program Overview

Midwifery is comprised of a set of curriculum. Students are required to receive credit for all of the following courses.

Students Commencing the Program in September 2017 to August 2022 

Year 1
MIDW_V 1013
MIDW_V 1024
MIDW_V 1033
MIDW_V 1043
MIDW_V 1063
MIDW_V 1073
MIDW_V 1087
MIDW_V 11513
MIDW_V 1203
MIDW_V 1253
Total Credits35
Year 2 
MIDW_V 2006
MIDW_V 2013
MIDW_V 2103
MIDW_V 2152
MIDW_V 2306
MIDW_V 2409
Total Credits29
Year 3 
MIDW_V 3056
MIDW_V 31025
MIDW_V 32010
MIDW_V 3228
MIDW_V 3252
MIDW_V 3262
One of MIDW_V 3503 OR MIDW_V 360 and MIDW_V 3703 OR MIDW_V 380312
Total Credits44-48
Year 4 
MIDW_V 4053
MIDW_V 42012
MIDW_V 4354
MIDW_V 44013
Total Credits32
Total Program Credits140-144
1 Offered in Summer Session, between Years 3 and 4.

Students Commencing the Program in September 2022 to August 2025 

Year 1
MIDW_V 1013
MIDW_V 1023
MIDW_V 1033
MIDW_V 1043
MIDW_V 1063
MIDW_V 1073
MIDW_V 1085
MIDW_V 11513
MIDW_V 1203
MIDW_V 1253
Total Credits32
Year 2 
MIDW_V 2006
MIDW_V 2019
MIDW_V 2103
MIDW_V 2151
MIDW_V 2306
MIDW_V 2409
Total Credits34
Year 3 
MIDW_V 3056
MIDW_V 31025
MIDW_V 32011
MIDW_V 3228
MIDW_V 3252
MIDW_V 3262
One of MIDW_V 3503 OR MIDW_V 360 and MIDW_V 3703 OR MIDW_V 380312
Total Credits44-48
Year 4 
MIDW_V 4053
MIDW_V 42012
MIDW_V 4354
MIDW_V 44013
Total Credits32
Total Program Credits142
1 Offered in Summer Session, between Years 3 and 4.

Students Commencing the Program in September 2025 or later

Year 1
MIDW_V 1013
MIDW_V 1023
MIDW_V 1033
MIDW_V 1043
MIDW_V 1063
MIDW_V 1073
MIDW_V 1085
MIDW_V 1153
MIDW_V 1203
MIDW_V 1253
Total Credits32
Year 2 
MIDW_V 2006
MIDW_V 2019
MIDW_V 2103
MIDW_V 2151
MIDW_V 2306
MIDW_V 2409
Total Credits34
Year 3 
MIDW_V 3056
MIDW_V 32011
MIDW_V 3228
MIDW_V 3262
MIDW_V 3283
MIDW_V 35518
MIDW_V 36514
Total Credits42
Year 4 
MIDW_V 4053
MIDW_V 42012
MIDW_V 4354
MIDW_V 44013
Total Credits32
Total Program Credits140
1 Offered in Summer Session, between Years 3 and 4.

Costs Other than Sessional Fee

There are additional expenses for travel and clinical practice. Students should be prepared for clinical practice outside the Vancouver area and should include travel and living costs for these experiences when estimating total expenses. See Midwifery for more information regarding additional costs.

UBC Crest The official logo of the University of British Columbia. Urgent Message An exclamation mark in a speech bubble. Caret An arrowhead indicating direction. Arrow An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Arrow in Circle An arrow indicating direction. Chats Two speech clouds. Facebook The logo for the Facebook social media service. Information The letter 'i' in a circle. Instagram The logo for the Instagram social media service. Linkedin The logo for the LinkedIn social media service. Location Pin A map location pin. Mail An envelope. Menu Three horizontal lines indicating a menu. Minus A minus sign. Pencil A pencil indicating that this is editable. Telephone An antique telephone. Plus A plus symbol indicating more or the ability to add. Search A magnifying glass. Twitter The logo for the Twitter social media service. Youtube The logo for the YouTube video sharing service.