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Medical Genetics

The Department of Medical Genetics offers a fully integrated five-year program leading to certification and fellowship in the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada in the specialty of Medical Genetics and Genomics. This program integrates basic and clinical genetics. Residents complete coursework through the Medical Genetics Graduate Program.

Core clinical experience includes rotations in Pediatrics, Internal Medicine, and Obstetrics and Gynaecology. There are laboratory rotations in molecular genetics, cytogenetics, and biochemical genetics and includes a scholarly research project (clinical or laboratory). Core and advanced training in clinical genetics in the Provincial Medical Genetics Program involves exposure to a wide variety of prenatal, pediatric, and adult patients referred from throughout the province.

The hospitals and laboratories affiliated with the program include Children's and Women's Health Centre of British Columbia, Vancouver General Hospital and Health Sciences Centre (12th and Oak and UBC Pavilions), St. Paul's Hospital, and the BC Cancer Agency.

For more information, see Medical Genetics Residency Training Program, or email at; 604.875.3486.

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